Not All Who Wander Are Lost … But Only the Foolish Will Follow

That hurt.  Like … was actually, literally, physically painful.  Elder abuse is just cruel. 

The CryptKeeper is a dead man wandering, helped off stage by his wife … no one likes his HalfNot … and the pride/persistence of the DNC will serve the Orange Menace another term on a silver platter, followed possibly by a coup. 

For the good of the nation, Crepey Joe should step down … face the reality that Boomers are simply too old to lead.  Feinstein dying on the senatorial throne at 90, legislating the US while her daughter held a POA.  The Turtle visibly stuck in a brain loop, gotta get jump-started by staff.  More than half are eligible for Social Security.  C’mon, people.  Take the hint. 

Perhaps it is time for the next generation to step up, take their shot.  Not a Gavin fan BUT he is the perfect glibslick politician, could make a run of it.  

Oh and the Supremes just eviscerated the DOJ’s ability to prosecute the insurrectionist poop-wipers.  My heavens.  What’s the average life of an empire?  250 years?  Yeah flip it over / we’re just about done.

Wonder if the Yellowstone Caldera were to blow, if that would blast through the complacency/apathy/disinterest of the modern American.  Prolly not. 

Only until we’re chewing into pedos like Rick Grimes to save our sons from the unspeakable will it sink in.  We got problems, folks.

Which is OK.  Babylon gonna fall.  {Jeremiah 51:44 / Revelation 14:8}

Empires die not with a boom but a whimper, a slow falling away.  Methinks the reason the gub’mint wants to ban Tok of the Tik is because people – ‘Murricans – are able to communicate and share ideas so easily/readily/unfilteredly, and that’s scary for the masters of mankind.

One seriously effective tool of power is maintaining the ignorance of the masses (see:  Law 32 – Play to Fantasy) … if the common (wo)man suffers alone in his/her bubble of despair, then that person thinks s/he is alone and the actual problem.

That app – aside from whoopin’ the @$$ of every US SoMid platform – does exactly the reverse of that, permits folks to open a window into their house of pain. 

Not that it matters … sometimes just nice to vent.  Ergo, to wit – hi!  Nystameetcha … gladjaheer.

Anyhoo, the Orange Menace owned the CryptKeeper with ease, and I suspect the election will look much the same way.  Many Dems will stay home, the MAGA/Trumpiots will descend on the polls like an invading horde (Jan 6?  Anyone?  Anyone?) and welcome to four more years or, even, possibly until the death of the American experiment.

Well, it was a nice run.  Mostly.  Somewhat.  To a certain extent.  For some. 
Guess will need to learn Cantonese.  Or at least a little Spanish. 

Ich verstehen bahnhof. 

¿Puedo comer queso con eso?