Is That Me? AKA: Don’t Smell That

sometimes life can be such an interruption OK back to regular programming-

Yes, the funk of the debt monkey is pungent, and my personal Gorilla of Foolishness definitely has a … tang. 

Still, I don’t really mind the smell and, at this stage, don’t even flinch. 

However … nevertheless … despite … due to … because of … point is – Half and theKid have been wrinkling their noses and trying to wave away the stench, so I need to be considerate and put some effort into actual adulting. 

While the ordure – oh yes that is – of my debt monkey is flung far and wide, a deep cleaning and, possibly, the disposal of some besmeared items might be just the thing.  BUT! before I can get clean, I have to know what’s dirty.


Dog poo’ed in the house once, and was embarrassed that Dog couldn’t hold it until a person got home, so Dog poo’ed in a hidden place.  All persons smelled poo as soon as persons walked in the door and a hunt began for poo, which was ultimately discovered – a football-sized pile – tucked away inside a corner cabinet.  Point is … gotta find poo before killing the stink.

You made it.  You messed it.  You clean it up. 

There are a bunch of debt repayment techniques, lots of ways to “get out of debt” but … whatever. 

Only reason you/me/we/I are in debt is because your/my/our/this money marriage is dysfunctional, and that must be fixed first.  Hate the mate?  Tough biscuits … money = marriage, and is truly ‘til death. 

So, while forever locked in a loveless marriage, still must show respect to the spouse. 

I’m there.  Although we (me and my money spouse) might not talk much, and those loose sexytimes are both a distant and present memory, I have finally learned to respect the importance of the relationship, and realize that it must be nurtured like any other, and in some respects, even more so. 

Joining the Credit Circus and adopting a debt monkey is perfectly fine, but I need not feed that beast all the time … and going forward, very, very little. 

Now, however, time to clean up after the debt monkey, wipe the poo off the walls and wash the drapes. 


The Credit Circus.  Every person and company from whom you borrowed money at some point and have thus far failed to repay. 

Ewww.  Piper, meet pay.

Well, mountain gorillas are endangered, and King Kong … you know how that ends.

And shifting a bit of perspective (rationalize/justify/equivocate? Nooo-wuh) generally creditors want back the amount they loaned to the debtor (Hi!  That’s me!) and if they can’t get all of it they usually will accept most of it, or a goodish piece of it, or half of it, or something of it, in satisfaction of the debt. 

So – my objective is to satisfy my creditors (yahbabyoulikethat) by satisfying my debt (cashonlyplease).  I’d prefer to pay all of it, and over a lifetime of earned income I’ll have it – BUT! however … nevertheless … despite … due to … because of … point is – I do not believe my creditors want to wait until I’m 112 to get their money … sooner over later, that time-value of money (ah!yes). 

Debt satisfaction is important because the Credit Circus is a significant aspect of 21st century adulting, with real consequences if your act sucks, and you fail to perform. 

So!  Next step:  Start poo cleaning; contact the Credit Circus – everybody – and get back on good terms.  {Ecclesiastes 5:5}

BUT!  In writing.  With tracking.  And only agree to conditions of debt satisfaction you can actually meet – let’s not do this twice.