Dumpster Fire

Well that’s what we call a gloriously beautiful catastrophic failure. 

Like a plane crash.  Or slow-motion car wreck.  Drone footage of a train derailment.  Sexy carnage.

But, to quote the Martha, and that’s a good thing.

Took a minute, but found some balls nearby and decided to take the hit, broached the subject of the 6-In-One to Half. 

Went about as expected. 

Not only was there a robust and reverberating “Nope!” but got an argument to boot.  Nice.

Read somewhere that if a marriage can agree on sex and money everything else is easy.

No wonder we can’t get along. 

Not mad about it – opposites attract and all, like gas vapor and open flame – and with it brought a certain closure to the entire experience.

Don’t ever wonder.

Made perfectly clear that Half and other half presenting a united front on the finances is off the table, now need only to focus on training my own monkeys, which is likely for the best.

Fosters a unique autonomy, as it were.  {Deuteronomy 23:1}

Saw a FaceTik | InstaTok (not mine / somebody else gave that up / will use it forthwith ad nauseum) that highlighted the plight of the married single parent … basically, a person espoused to one who has perfected weaponized incompetence … one party basically cares for the kids and the household and one additional kid-like adult. 

Not ideal but better than murder.


One excellently nice consequence of our heated whisper-fight (mustn’t disrupt theKid) was that Half will wrestle the biggest monkey all alone, vanquish our collective Kong, and since there will be no united battle plan methinks me need not concern meeself further with that particular primate.

All you, Boo. 

Saddened a bit, because this is all mine own doing, alas mine own reaping & sowing, weeping & gnashing of teeth.  Pooh on that.

But it’s all to the good, and all part of GOD’s plan, so no worries there.

Disappointed, but not surprised. 

Which leads to this. 

The 6-In-One plan for the married single … same top five categories
(1—Savings, 2—Household, 3—Debts, 4—Mad Money/Angry Cash, 5—Investment)
and the alternative: 6—Escape Plan.

The post-marital prenup … not intentioned towards disaster, but ready if it comes.  And if one feels alone in a marriage, probably not a bad idea to be prepared for the potentially inevitable.

Sort of an extreme TEOTWAWKI, a relationship doomsday account. 
Funds go in, but they don’t come out … unless there is death
 … of either the marriage or the spouse.

Which sucks, but divorce is like abortion … only permitted because men have hardened their hearts.

Right in the stones.