Once More into the Breach, Dear Friends …

theKid started back to school … and how quickly these years have passed.

Harking back to the early days of pre-K, diaper changes with strangers, foot and mouth disease. 
And is it impetigo or vitiligo?  Never could keep those straight.

Anyhoo, during those formative years always believed the adults were exaggerating when they said time speeds up with age …

Oops.  That and the 50-30-20 Plan … for every dollar, 50 (save) – 30 (invest) – 20 (spend). 
So much for that.  Moving on with my monkeys.

Well, youth is wasted on the young. 
Methinks GOD gives us parenthood as the umpteenth opportunity to get it right.

Anyhoo, even more amazing to think how different theKid’s educational experience differs, from then to now as opposed to before, when bullying was commonplace, that kids were expected to “toughen up,” when boys were boys and mean girls was the norm. 

School lunches have remained a nightmare tho’ … seen what the kids are being fed at school? (shudders) … and to think that, for some, that’s the only meal of the day (double shudder).

And no – unpopular opinion but – the poors should not have kids.  Can’t afford ‘em?  Don’t deserve ‘em.  Yeah I seddit.  Kids deserve better than a life of poverty and struggle. 

Should struggle with at least some comforts.  And a PS5 doesn’t count.

Anyhoo, digress.

theKid is entering a whole, brand-new level of the educational experience and is a bit freaked out, unsurprisingly.  Right there witcha, kid.

Gotta have device and apps and push notifications and … and … and. 
All assignments are downloaded online and failure to timely upload earns demerits and … and … and …?

Enough demerits = Saturday school and a parental fine.  Ewww … brother ewww.

At any rate, finding one’s path while navigating this brave new world of S&M and avatar existence is a complete nightmare, and to think none of us have a choice.  We are all our mothers’ mistake.

Mentioned somewhere around these parts that one of the hiveminds of AI – Sam Altman (“alternative man” … how fitting) – opined that this latest innovation would be death of humanity.  The Zuck was human, once, methinks.  And that oily, musky funk of speech impediment and misplaced arrogance wants to implant chips in the human brain. 

Are the astronauts still stuck?  Lost in space, indeed.

Truthfully?  Methinks we died a long time ago, just zombie-strutting through the days at this point.  School/work/eat/sleep/poop/repeat then … on to the next?  Whatever that is.

theKid recently asked why JESUS was going to create a new heaven and a new earth {Revelation 21:1} and while haven’t the foggiest honest idea opined to the child that perhaps the two will be combined as one, such that the present separation is no longer necessary.  Perhaps those walls will come down.

It seems that … with all this new tech and AI and VR digitized manifestation of existence, mankind aspires to be like the Most High, bears the pride of the fallen, seeks to make a “god” in its image.

Oh the hubris of man … vaulting ambition, indeed. 

Whelp, pride is one of the seven deadly, and society celebrates it for an entire month every year, calls people names if they deign to disagree. 

Watched Candi Cane decimate the Pucker during a podcast not too long ago …
“Do you believe I am living in sin?  ‘Married’ to a man, as a man, as it were.”

Her response:  “Yes.”

              “You are sinning.”

              “You are in a sinful relationship.”

              [… matter of fact …] I don’t believe that marriage can be between two men, so …”

Well said, Ms. Owens.  Nicely done.

And yet she … separated … from a conservative podwork(?) for a difference of opinion re (ahem)
“geo-political religiosity.” 

Got canceled from an anti-cancel culture conservative clique for an opinion unpopular there.  Interesting.

Well, just like everything else, free speech has a related cost, such as one’s job. 

And that is part of the lesson theKid is being taught in school … the new school year brings an onslaught of rules&regs re the e-life, how to behave in S&M, and reminders that once the info is on the internet, it is forever.

A stupid comment uttered in the 80’s is still back there … but now? 

How many folks have lost their jobs, income, reputation, and relationships because of comments tossed onto Twitter in a fit of pique?

theKid is learning that life is not just lived, but simultaneously experienced online.

Is it too late to get off the grid?  Might not have a choice for much longer.

One Second After?  Very plausible, and possibly likely. 

Which might not be a bad thing, with the direction the world is moving.


I pity the children.  Still.