LoveBomb 2024

My heavens that was a lot.

Not that it makes any difference, but was interesting to watch and … compare to the alternative.

Truth be told, the DNC was looking like Valyria after the Doom, right up until the CryptKeeper gracefully bowed out.  Now, the Party of Ass is twerking on the furniture.


Not that I care – the new boss is always the same as the old boss – but … fresher blood is a little brighter.  Methinks the voting younglings are excited to see someone in national politics who more closely resembles their overworked career mom and not a total and complete babbling twit (looking at you, insufferable MTG), molestable Gee-PA, or virulently racist Unk.


Recalling early in this 2020 administration that folks were wondering where the HalfNot had gotten off to, totally MIA, and the Border Czar, no less.  Her record is entirely unremarkable, and if she were running on her own ticket rather than riding the deathshroud of the CryptKeeper she would never have gotten the nod.

Strategic placement, indeed.

Methinks the HalfNot as prez would be horrible for small business, Wall Street, and the national economy … anybody seen California?  She was its AG, onc’t (Jan 2011 – Jan 2017), and fought against releasing the wrongfully convicted, doesn’t like guns … did help out after the bank collapse in ’08, did her thing there, so there’s that.

Rumor also has it that she also kinda-sorta slept her way into power as a bed wench for former kingmaker Willie Brown, oh he of the term-limit impetus for CA politics … cast him aside as soon as his star fell. 

Hmm …

Elected not to shoulder the burden of her own children by marrying a man with kids, could claim the moniker of qualified mother.  The first First Gentlemen has kids, so she doesn’t need any of her own.

Hmm …

Seems a bit of a user, sees others as a stepping stone to build her fortress of power.  Giving off some serious Jezebel spirit vibes … don’t like her, don’t trust her, sure she’ll fit right in to the end times.  {Revelation 2:20}

But personally methinks never trusted anyone who covets power, so there’s that.

And she just might win / the Rethugs managed to crack all their eggs into a handbasket bound for hell, floundering of late.  IVF for everyone?  Really?  Does that include those purposely infertile members of Pride?

Methinks not. 

Ahh, it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel … fat.

HA!  But …

Yoga and IF is working well, and the 6-&-One plan?  My physical and financial diets? 

Making progress, doing OK.  No complaints.

Well, a few but truly negligible in the big picture.

Big picture? 

GOD is in His heaven, CHRIST is at His right hand, and the HOLY SPIRIT is moving through the world.

So guess, truly big pic, regardless of who moves into government housing (á la the White House) everything’s going to be all right. 

Trust.  The debt paid to faith.

Happy to.