Empires Do Not Fall … Only Drop to Collective Knees and Face-Plant Into the Muck

Watched King’s “The Stand” on the Tubes of You not too long ago, remember reading the author’s cut about a million years ago … seems so very plausible, particularly in light of recent global troubles.

Shut down the world, indeed.

Had a classmate back in those dim, dark, desperate days of high school whose dad imparted a bit of cynical wisdom …

The rise of a society is defined by its investment in infrastructure, the building up as it were … e.g., roads, aqueducts, sewers, bridges, the like.

At the pinnacle, focus turns to celebration and commemoration … such as libraries, monuments, and museums.

And in its decline … stadiums.  Entertainment for the masses to distract from the pending collapse.

Egypt.  Rome.  Great Britain. 

Las Vegas built Allegiant Stadium to welcome the traitorous Raiders (how many cities is that, now?) at a staggering darn-near $2B (yes, that’s “billion,” with a “B”) cost of construction.

And what is the homeless population of Nevada, again? 

And that hot, wet, infected mess that is California hosts two of the priciest locales for the gladiator games in the nation … with the Niners’ playing at Levi (slightly over a bill) and coming in first at FIVE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLARS is SoFi Stadium, home of the Chargers/Rams … methought SoFi brands on right good money sense.  Guess not.

And what is the homeless problem in CA, exactly?

Priorities, people.  Must have priorities.  {Matthew 23:23}

And bread.  And circuses. 

Lord help us all. 

No worries – HE will (tee-hee).