And the Band Plays On

Hard to believe (but not really) only four more months until 2025.

MyMy … the time not only flies but flees.

November 2024’s election is only 67 days away, and methinks the end is nigh.

Regardless of the actual “winner,” methinks we all lose.

If the HalfNot assumes power, then the inevitable slide into further social degeneracy and economic collapse will continue.

If the Orange Menace retakes the throne, then the inevitable slide into further social degeneracy and economic collapse will continue.


The new boss is the same as the old boss … one just might look better in pants.  {2 Peter 2:3}
Yet her hair is simply fabulous, whereas his is only memeastic.  Memeable?  Certainly memorable.

Does it matter who wins?  Methinks not really.  Not being a female of childbearing age, truly makes no nevermind to me.  And by the time theKid is old enough to breed the policies likely will change (again) / or could just advise theKid to locate in a non-FES.

Unless, of course, a national-wide ban is put into effect (halloo Project 2025) in which case expatriation becomes the only sensible alternative.

That would be funny … all horse(wo)men of childbearing age leave, and America winds up populated by the very selfsame folks relocated to reservations, up north, and down south.

Maybe they’ll dynamite the faces off Mt. Rushmore.  That melikes. 

Was this many days old when found out the Black Hills were considered sacred to the Lakota, and one of the reasons that location was chosen was to … hawktuah into the collective Native face.

Recall?  Custer (a golden boy whom many considered to be a viable candidate for US pres) was killed in 1876 by Natives (led by a Lakota, Sitting Bull … little Georgie got hit with some big horns) who refused to be interned on reservations. 

Roughly 50 years later, in 1927 construction on the mountain began. 

Nothing if not consistent/predictable … horsemen gotta ride.

But … fun fact / by granting limited sovereignty re tribal lands, opportunity opened up for casino gambling.  Had a coworker who belonged to a tribe, heard about a guy getting a six-figure check for his cut of the gambling profits.

BUT but … much of the success of the individual Natives depends on tribal governance … those that elect to share the wealth benefit the group, whereas those that choose that ‘Murrican Golden Rule
– “Gots mine, sucks to be that guy” –
tend not to do as well.

Funny how that works. 

Well, tis’ nice a portion of that long-overdue debt got paid.  Sort of.

Funny (not funny) to think … the Natives maintained North America for … 10,000 years(?) … so future generations could enjoy the land, water, air and natural resources.  Preserved the future for the future.

How novel. 

And in less than 500?  Water is poisoned, soil is unhealthy, air is toxic, and the buffalo is almost extinct.  Nice.

Horsemen gotta ride, and take everyone else along for it. 

Funner fact / the 14th century Black Death (thass ray-sis!!) eliminated somewheres around a quarter to half of the European population, supposedly caused by infected fleas catching rides on rats from Asia … Question?  If the rats came from Asia, why wasn’t the plague there as well?  Begs the quest …

Anyhoo …

While glad/relieved the CryptKeeper is done, just a mite anxious re the coming storm. 
Feels a bit like America has already hit the iceberg, water now breaching the hull while the octet strums out another minuet.  Reality TV, anyone? Anyone?

Doomed much?  Methinks yes. 

BUT, but … it’s all good news, because it signifies and testifies the Gospel, and all that is coming to pass.

Even while most of the world turns a deaf ear.

You listenin’?