One crucial ingredient for the investment portfolio pie?
= Mutual funds (see that investment company, ydoncha)
The major beauty of mutual funds is the “set it / forget it” aspect BUT but must consider a few things …
… #1 being the “annual expense ratio” or AER, the yearly fee (paid by you) to run the fund, and
… #2 being the “sales charge” or “load,” which is the marketing/management expense (paid by you).
The AER is typically a percentage of the assets, and there are four types of “load”
(there’s those four horsemen again … detecting a theme here)
1. Front-end load: pay a fee (only one!) when invest + AER / no add’l fee to withdraw
2. Back-end load: pay@withdrawal (i.e., “surrender fee”) + ↑ AER that ↓ over time
3. Level load: surrender fee in first 12 months + ↑ AER that stays high
4. No load: + AER that starts ↑ & stays ↑
The major benefit of the “no-load” mutual fund? Welp, “load” is just the marketing expense, and “no-load” funds tend to eliminate the broker and sell directly to the buyer/investor via ads and the internet. The best explanation is given on p.195:
buying a load from a broker is the same as buying a plane ticket from a travel agent
still going to the same place … just a matter of the service you pay to get there
Again, research is key, but the true beauty of mutual funds is pros do the important work,
while buyer/investor reaps the benefits … like a true luxury class parasite, which is the point.
Ya? All the ya.