Guess Luigi had the absolute right idea.
Turns out … UnHealth overcharged.rippedoff.stole billyons and billyons in drug costs from US healthcare consumers.
And yet mainstream media heads keep wondering whyohwhy someone would do suchathing.
‘Nother interesting little factoid … seems the Gub’mint is “monitoring” the posts/sites of those expressing support for the Adjuster.
“Hi!!” [waving] Not on the FaceTok or InstaTik but do like/support/encourage Luigi’s actions
(and his abs / no homo but that kid is ripped)
One thing wonderful? The vast majority of the masses is not buying the 17-hour TikTok ban that the Orange Menace magickally managed to lift within hours of assuming power.
Nopes, that narrative is falling on deaf ears. And that’s a good thing.
We (you, me, the collective we) know the problem, we see the problem, the problem is oh-so obvious, but what to do about it is the eternally infernal question.
The elites, the lofty, the parasitic … they have studied history and know exactly how to forestall/foil/disrupt/derail a revolution … the lessons taught by the French, the Russians, the colonists, the later-to-be Haitians …
Oligarchy eventually will consume itself / ouroboros anyone? / But in the meantime … what?
Welp, seems like the main reason Tok of the Tiks was targeted was because, well, independent thinking, uncontrolled by the rulers of thought. Enter: Palestine.
Now – full disclosure – methinks Israel has an absolute right to defend itself, and much of the Islamic nation surrounding her wants the nation dead, gone, eradicated and removed. No western influence in Muslim country, thankyouverymuch.
Israel was practicing a form of apartheid against the Palestinian people, many of whom, quite boldly and intentionally, shared the general opinion of the surrounding nations, Hamas included. More interesting, however, is how none of the other Islamic countries offered refuge to Palestinian refugees, merely letting the babies there suffer and die much like they now suffer and die, but with fewer explosions.
And then came Saturday, 7 October 2023 … and here we are.
The Hamas-led attack caused the greatest loss of Jewish lives since the Holocaust, just a wee bit of genocide, with Netanyahu and the IDF responding in kind.
Is it tragic? Yes.
Is it horrible? Yes.
Should it be happening? Absolutely not.
Hamas started this particular fight. Israel seeks to end it, even by committing her own genocide.
Then in comes TikTok.
Mainly Millennials and Gen Z flock to the Tok (heh) for news, information, and entertainment.
The doomscroll is an actual thing.
And the attitudes on the Tok are contrary to the standard narrative.
America has always supported Israel, with weapons, technology, international clout, whatever/whenever requested/required, whereas the popular generational opinion on the current Hamas/Israel war is overwhelmingly supportive of the Palestinian people, and the horrors inflicted upon them.
Thus, much of the Gub’mint chatter re banning the app concerned the ability to control the groupthink re that specific issue.
Methinks the outrage/support is a bit one-sided and lacking context, because had 7 October 2023 not happened … here we would not be.
So methinks smarter/more tenable to place the blame on the first strike, rather than the last.
Should Israel exist on the land seized from the Palestinian people? Absolutely not.
The UN should have given the Jews the right to rule/control/occupy Germany after WWII …
… after all, who was responsible for all that ruckus?
But. Shoulda/coulda/woulda … didn’t/won’t/can’t.
We are where/when/what we are, so adapt accordingly.
Rather than dedicate efforts to eliminating Israel, perhaps the nations surrounding her should try to negotiate more favorable living conditions for the Palestinians. {1 Samuel 7:14}
But. Islam is not renowned for its ability to compromise. Jihad is a thing.
Solution? None at the moment. This morass is quite sticky.
But do believe Israel owes/is entitled to retribution for the attack …
That old African aphorism? When two elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. Never truer.
Methinks the grass will continue to get flatter while the elephants battle it out.
War, like health insurance companies, cares nothing for life.