Fascinating Nonsense, Part Deux

That last one was a bit heavy … little levity never hurts.  Well, maybe a bit but it’s only a … papercut (BWAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA stop me)

Back to the 2024 calendar of some interesting (maybe, maybe meh) nonsense … enjoy useless facts for today!

1.     The majority of the human brain is fat.
         (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA explains a lot)

2.     Owls lack eyeballs; they have eyetubes instead.
         (nightmare fuel … and they can swivel their heads swivel 270° [shudder … all the shudder])

3.     Cremated ashes of loved ones (or those one hated) cannot be scattered at Disney theme parks.
        (unless you are extremely sneaky)

4.     High heels were originally designed for and worn by men.
        (Should get back to that … Prince was such a pioneer.)

5.     A single, lonely strand of spaghetti is called a “spaghetto.”
        (Thought that was genus “Jersey Shore” … [“Gym + Tan + Laundry” indeed …])   

6.     One quarter of the bones in the human body are in the feet.

7.     To date, Marie Curie is the only person to have won the Nobel Prize in two different sciences.
        (typical woman … couldn’t be satisfied with just one, huh Marie?)

8.     Located in Fez, Morocco, Al-Qarawiyyin is the modern world’s oldest library, est. 859 A.D.

9.     Caterpillars have more muscles than humans. (Arnold Heimlichnegger)

10.   Goat pupils are rectangular in bright light.  

11.     Babe Ruth (the Great Bambino) wore iced cabbage leaves under his baseball cap to keep cool.
       (His uniform was wool, games were played in July/August, and there was no AC … [¯\_(ツ)_/¯])  

12.     Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, has donated about half of his wealth.
        (Yah, to the ex-wife, and not before buying up enough US farmland to become the
        nation’s largest private landowner … bonkers bunkers, anyone?)  

13.     Barcode readers scan the white spaces, not the black lines.
        (THASS RAAYSISSS!!!)  

14.     Venus is the only planet in the solar system that spins clockwise.
        (Men are from Mars / women are from where, again, exactly?)

15.     Arctic = bears.  Antarctica = no bears.

16.     The most common letter in English (as well as most European languages) is “e.”
        (Fun little factiod:  two books managed to avoid the use of the letter “e” : 
        “Gadsby” [1939] and a French novel “A Void” [1969, translated to English in 1994])

17.     The six “Friends” (well, five now) still earn roughly $20M annually. 
        (Guess that explains Aniston)

18.     The Caesar salad is Mexican; invented in 1924’s Tijuana, after the chef ran out of ingredients.
        (Deport this!)

19.     Lunar New Year 2025 is … the Year of the Dragon.
        (and a horribly great / awesomely awful movie from ’85, that bastion decade of racial
        sensitivity and awareness / wasn’t Reagan prez? / could not tell you not get made today,
         should not have been made then … loved him in Angel Heart tho’ “I know who I am!” …
        Louis Cyphre, indeed … AND WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT BABY)

20.     Just about every species to have ever existed on Earth is now extinct.
        (Oh well then humans are right on schedule)

Now … aren’t you glad you know all that? No?

Matters, it does not … that honey boo-boo brain of yours has plenty of room … until it doesn’t.

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