That Will Do Not What Wants To Do

“Private” company in China is insisting that employees get married or risk discipline up to and including termination for failure to do so by the determined deadline. 

Divorce laws in China have been changed so that the person who owned/was gifted the house prior to the marriage gets to keep it, and the other spouse gets nothing.  Chinese folks (read: women) seeking divorce will no longer be entitled to half the property of the union.

So what’s the incentive to wed, exactly?  This will not do what methinks they hope it will. 

Birthrate, in freefall.

Chinese women working outside the home contribute roughly 41 percent of the nation’s GDP AND and they are the unpreferred gender, so there’s a huge disparity between the numbers of marriageable Chinese men and marriageable Chinese women, something like 34M more men available for marriage than women … saw something a while back that Chinese men are seeking brides in Korea, and that families used to kidnap baby girls during China’s one-child era to ensure the son would have someone to marry when t(he)y came of age.

The Rethuglicans are saber-rattling for the end of no-fault divorce, a national ban on abortion and restrictions/limitations on birth control.  Also advocating for proof of citizenship to vote, which the libs/Dumbocrats fear might disenfranchise married women, whereby the married name does not match the birth certificate. 

Gender dynamics are weird. 

Men have the power, yet seem inclined toward the dystopian rather than the egalitarian.  Go figure. 
{1 Corinthians 3:13}

Both versions are needed for a functioning society, but while adult males maintain society, (fertile) females maintain the species … there’s a great line in “28 Days Later,” where one of the soldiers says (paraphrasing here) “if there ain’t no women there ain’t no hope,” before he and his comrades prepare to … let’s just say “engage in relations unwanted” by those selfsame women.

Currently, birth rates are falling all over the world, and rather than create environments within which women are encouraged to have children, it seems like men would rather just coerce the females to breed.

Again, the more educated the woman, the fewer children she has.

But didn’t the Orange Menace just order the Dept. of Ed. shuttered?  Shudder to think.

Seems the writing is on the wall … but soon she won’t be taught to read it. 

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