All the Dark We Will Not See

In January 1959, ten experienced Russian hikers from the Ural Polytechnical Institute – eight men, two women – set out for a research trip in the Ural Mountains, which serve as a type of border between Europe and Asia, to a frozen area of the Siberian wilderness known by the locals as “Dead Mountain.”  One had to stay behind because of joint pain; the other nine set out. 

When the group failed to make scheduled contact in February, a search party was dispatched on February 14th. 

All nine bodies were found scattered across the mountain … all were partially clothed, most without shoes or socks.  Some were missing eyes and tongues, many had broken bones, there was internal bleeding, burns, fractured skulls, missing teeth, and a few were wearing clothes that bore detectable levels of radiation.  Investigators concluded that the tents had been slashed open from the inside.  The searchers followed footprints leading away from the campsite; however, the steps were not frenzied, as if in fear, but orderly, as if under control.  Two of the bodies were found huddled around the remains of fires, some were wearing clothes taken from other hikers.  A group of bodies was found in a makeshift ice cave some distance away from the original campsite. None were fully dressed in their own cold weather gear/equipment, and additional evidence indicates that a few bodies had been moved after death.  Nearby trees revealed broken branches as high as 15 feet, suggesting some of the hikers tried to climb or perhaps use the wood to feed the fire. 

According to the authorities, eight died of hypothermia (froze to death), and one of the women died of internal cardiac hemorrhage caused by “external traumatic force.”  The autopsies also uncovered evidence of bodily damage to the dead with force that (1) could not have been caused by human hands and (2) left no external injuries to the skin but broke bones and ruptured organs. 


The evidence from the site suggests that the hikers suffered injuries and took actions proving the person lived for hours or days after the events of February 2, 1959. 


Authorities are certain about the date of the occurrence because the group took pictures and kept diaries to document the hike, and journal entries as well as recovery of cameras include film from the days leading up to the 2nd then stop. 


Original Official Explanation? Cause of Death for nine young, strong, otherwise healthy human beings?
= Unknown Compelling Force


In sum:  nine Russian hikers, all experienced at surviving hazardous winter conditions, apparently ran out into the snow in the middle of the night and died for undetermined reasons.


But no worries.  That Dizneeeee movie Froh-ze-N solved the Dyatlov Pass Incident. 

Not too long ago this really smart Swiss guy named Johann watched the snow fall in a cartoon and somehow figured out (al got rithms) that the hikers died in an avalanche based on … yeah, that. 

Oh and also that there could have likely perhaps maybe been an occurrence of the Karman Vortex phenomena, whereby “wind in the mountains” causes “infra-sound” inaudible to the human ear but nevertheless resonates within the human brain to cause confusion, panic, and a sense of dread.

And yeh the clothes with detectable levels of radiation? Those came from two of the hikers who had previously worked at nuclear facilities in the then-U.S.S.R., and no other documented levels of radiation were found at or near the campsite or the bodies … so there’s that.

So … Improved Official Explanation (sort of):  COD = This group of experienced Russian hikers likely panicked at the possibility of a “slab” avalanche (platform of ice slides down the mountain as opposed to the usual fatal poufs of snow … no proof of that, tho’ don’t need it got computers modeling – strike a pose) that possibly either materialized or did not, ran out of their tents or got crushed by the avalanche that was/was not, then became lost in the dark, took all their clothes off (paradoxical undressing), then put some back on, and then froze to death when they couldn’t find their way back to camp.  The mutilation to the bodies was post-mortem and the result of scavenging animals or putrefaction or decomposition or both or all. 


Buuuttt no animal prints were found around the site … aaannnddd their stuff was still there … aaannndd if the searchers could follow the hikers’ footprints to the post-event site, why couldn’t the hikers follow those same prints back to their original campsite ergo stuff ergo survival … ?

Questions, so many questions …

The woman who died of bleeding in the heart? And missing her eyes? She was found kneeling against a rock wall with her face and body pressed against the stone. Yah. And statements translated from native to English: “diaphragm of mouth and tongue are missing” … oh OK right … and “dark red slimy mass” found in her stomach during the autopsy might possibly perhaps indicate she was alive during this horror show sooooo

Yeh, that.

This happened during the Cold War – Stalin’s estimated body count ranges between 20M-50M, from various atrocities such as manufactured famines, frozen gulags (look up “Cannibal Island” or maybe don’t), WWII … and history attributes him with the viewpoint: “One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.”

There’s also a video – will link if find, just search the Tubes ofYou for “Russian zombie military attack” … should pop right up – that shows a single soldier being chased and subsequently eaten by zombies.  Real ones.  Or maybe fast cannibals, whatever.  The scene is filmed in FLIR-vision (black background with really really white outlines for the action) so while no color detail … you can still see the guy being chased by the horde, surrounded, and have his arm and other various body parts ripped off in celebration. 

Russia is the place were good sense goes to die. 

In a country that manufactures hypersonic death spears and the official response to political dissent is nerve poison on doorknobs actual zombies aren’t that far-fetched. 

I sure hope the gov’t over there managed to catch them all, that none got out, or, at least … overseas. 

Gog, meet Magog {Ezekiel 38:2}

Yah, spoiler:  the video is marketed as a teaser for a game … but how can you know?
                … after all, a conspiracy theorist only questions the official story …
                … and to create a conspiracy, one evil mind need only find a like-minded other … so there
… and many, many bad things have happened in dark, icy places without enough sun … so double there

And because a day to the Lord is like a thousand years to us {Psalm 90:4} and nothing in the Scriptures thus far has been understood to mean that GOD! follows man’s timeline … perhaps the apocalypse will happen in stages … there are Four Horsemen, after all …

Mention this only in the sense of the Lord’s teachings in Matthew 24, when He says it’s gonna get real, real bad. 

But I have guns.  

Didn’t seem to help that lone soldier tho’ … maybe hold one back for self? 

Ah, to be zombified or cannibalized, vaporized or suicided … Life really does come down to choice. 

I’ve made mine [grins stoopitly]


so all the there