You, yes YOU

On some level, I thought that only Americans were actually, actively stupid. 

Oh!ho! was I wrong.

Humans are stupid ehhv-ree-way-yer … like, internationally. How sad.

I was watching car wrecks on the Tubes ofYou (tol’ja) and now have the unfortunate visual memory of large animals being subjected to the microcosm of man’s idiocy … an elephant wanders into the road and gets hit by a bus going about 60 … some twits in a jeep break a giraffe’s front legs … oh and nots lets us forgets the human travesty of … Joe Exotic. 

He actually said that a couple of chimps separated by metal bars for way … too … fkn … long … were notably, palpably joyful when they were finally able to touch, as if they were alive, and had experienced … feelings. 

Here is (well, there was—good!) a guy who voluntarily shouldered the responsibility of caring for large, wild animals (for a profit yes but still) who was completely oblivious to the fact that animals have … feelings, and can suffer psychic pain.

HUMANS SUCK SO HARD SO DEEP SO MUCH and not in a good way.  Sigh

I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his natural life.  And then they bury him behind the laundry. 

Which brings us to the importance of paying it forward.  Think:  charities. 

We humans have a lot of responsibilities … like, not destroying the planet all living things just happen to need to occupy—too late!—and we can all do a lot better, even in the short amount of time left.  You, yes you, myself and we included, can do better, and must.

Although there is a cost associated with most of life … kindness is still free. Gotta get a stockpile o’that.

I think that GOD! is giving His wayward children some advance notice {Amos 3:7}, offering a last chance to get right, but like kids a’cours we’re not going to stop playing with matches until we see the flame, and then when it gets hot we close the door on the problem until the closet is fully engulfed and gramma’s oxy tank explodes …

Do I smell smoke?