Better Living Through Not Being an A**hole

I may have stated earlier that I am a horrible person, and actively relish being so.

I don’t like people.

Overall, people are usually a disappointment, and unnecessary frustration.


Individuals are occasionally OK.

My spouse is an individual, and although I am still uncertain as to why Half remains betrothed to thee I am essentially, fundamentally, and ever-presently grateful, thankful, and blessed.

That being said — Motivation #1 to be a better person. And not just with debt.

Perhaps mentioned (perhaps shouldn’t) theKid once said that Half and other half didn’t seem to like each other very much.

This, from a person on earth less than a decade. Eee, need to do/act/be better. Be best.

The sad thing? Same problem with debt. Inattention. Going through the motions.

The good thing? Motivation #2 is really Motivation 2.0, and I don’t know what I did to deserve theKid, but let me keep on doing it.

Motivation 2.0 comment re lack of obvious affection switched the lightbulb on … I/we/us finally got it.

We are not alone. Need to stop acting like we are. And I found that it’s easy to be a better person … when you consider … other people.


But how to do that?


Ugh? Everyday? Yes. If you are breathing, you can do better. I like that. Second chances for everyone! {Luke 18:27}