A Cook, a Maid, and a Regular

I/we/us thus may have mentioned it before but the manosphere is some self-delusional, masturbatory, echo chamber nonsense.

Not so much all of it, but most of it … the essence of it … its raison d’être … is meta-stupid. 

Women (and all their delicious bits) are the point.

Men might not like to acknowledge this, but 28 Days Later had it right …
                … “I promised them women.” 

Women civilize men, provide men with the very purpose for existence.  {Gen. 2:18-25}  So there.

If not for women, men would be living in caves, picking fleas, and fighting to the death on Tuesdays.

Men tamed the world to ease access to women … can’t keep a woman in the mood if she’s worried about predators.  Men created grocery stores so women could gather the necessary food supplies in one place and not risk having her being carried off into the wilderness.  Men made laundry machines so women wouldn’t get eaten by bears down by the river as they beat the pelts on rocks. 

Get serious.

Honest question:  How many guys will divorce a hot wife?  A trashcan, sure – kick it loose / set it free – but beautiful, and faithful?  She can be an expensive idiot & he’ll hang strong … most guys will tolerate the white noise of a quarrelsome woman if he remains physically attracted to her.

That being said, most of the manosphere – the Red Pill / Incel – still seek women, and the entire frustration manifest by the movement is a reflection of men’s desire for, drive to, and direction towards, women. 

And it ain’t just biology; even gay men have mothers, and a son will fight to the death for his mom (most, anyway … don’t want to presume) so the “female” or “femininity” or simply just “woman” helps to define “man,” even if only to the extent that “woman” helps to defines what men are not. 

There is a legitimate, biological reason that women (and some men with feminine energy) gravitate towards nurturing professions … teachers, nurses, servers … because to care is to create a soft place in the world, and men need a break from all the hard surfaces they built. 

Circles&Mounds …
Hands&Holes …

Women give men a reason to bother. 

That being said, don’t get married.  Wives are expensive. 

That being said, still need “woman” tho’, so … what to do, what to do …

Well, I like Dr. Hannibal Lecter.  Great character, smart guy.  Would not eat at his house, tho’.  He said [quoting Marcus Aurelius, another really smart guy, wouldn’t eat at his house either … Rome 150 AD had poop in the streets—that’s why the rich were carried by slaves in curtained boxes digress]

“What is it in itself?  What is its nature?”  What is woman’s nature?  What is woman, in herself? 
Itself sounds rude but methinks more accurate so TRIGGUH

What is woman’s nature?  What is woman’s reason for being? 

Or is that a different question?  That’s a different question. 

OK better yet maybe … What is man’s nature?  Supposedly to spread the seedlings, and to protect the environment in which those seedlings grow, mature, develop and, hopefully, leave for college. 

OK so woman’s nature is to … breed?  Ewww, women as livestock. 


I know this.

The nature of man or woman is certainly not to be in debt.

Or is it?  Maybe to the “masters of mankind” … di-GRESS


Woman’s nature is to help man … spread the seedlings and protect the environment in which those seedlings grow, mature, develop and, hopefully, leave for college. TRIGGUH yes, non-binary gender non-specific feministric emflowerers … the purpose of woman … is to serve man.

So, back to original problem.  Don’t get married.  Wives are expensive.  Husbands are … men.

So both the sexes are a problem for each, but each sex needs the other so … what to do … what to do …

Ah!  The header.

If you can’t/won’t cook, there are services for that.  Delivery, take-out, personal chef.  All expensive, but if no wife/no husband might be able to afford BUT do not feed the debt monkey while findwayfeedself no good ‘cuz never got to stop eating, and will wind up constantly growing your gorilla …

It sounds fairly straightforward, but human beings are disgusting, and evidence of the vile beast that is we sits as residue … tucked inside cracks around every part of the home and person. 

We are covered in invisible bugs that, right now, are eating our dead flesh.  Just imagine what is in your hair … probably shouldn’t

So that being said, must clean thehouse.  If no spousal support to attend to that particular task … great news … maid services are awesome, the really good ones are thorough, and all of them help humans to live with themselves.  Again, pricey, and again, no spouse – cheaper life

Finally.  The SexyTimes.  That Magic Moist.  That Richard Flint.  That ultimate Ooo. 

Nevada.  Or, if local, find a special someone at reasonable hourly rates (~STILL CHEAPER THAN A WIFE!~) and exercise that biological frustration. 

And for the ladies … Heidi Fleiss should move forward with opening a stud farm for women … guys would probably pay to work there … spend some dedicated time with Richard, no attachments … In the meantime, swipe right?


For them, not for you.