Job v. Career v. Trade = Peasant?

And ANOTHER thing … those lapdogs of the mankind masters (oh BTW – keepers of the watch?  guard dogs, attack dogs, lap dogs …. more to come) are happy to do the bidding as long as the benefits keep coming … but they, too, are peasants, and will be forcefully reminded if out of place.

See, unless you are a snowflake (what? keep UP) options are real, real limited, i.e., job or career or trade.

Job {Gen 3:19} is basically the day-to-day, fungible, exchangeable … kinda whatever approach. For those that either did not go to college, or if college-educated, not actively working in field of study.

Career is student loan debt and working in the field of study, or one with access based on the degree

Trade is usefulness as a human being apart from work … basically, society’s skeletal system. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, truck drivers … the people that use their actual two (but don’t want to presume) hands to make stuff happen … engineers design stuff they don’t actually make. Management works like that, and management usually = career = student loan debt, unless some viable nepotism is involved.

Undisagree – doctors and structural engineers and firefighters are crucial too, but … only in civilized society.  Shamans and midwives, herbs and unguents worked for long, long time before actual prescription meds – where do you think that stuff comes from? – most treeholes are naturally retrofit for earthquakes and nature sometimes likes a really good burn …  

So what’s a doctor? Or a nurse? Career trade? Trade career? When social collapse is complete, TWD scenario with the theft of medical expertise is not outside the box.

If nothing else, the corona taught us the modern working environment is some power-tripping foolishness, because the job … the work … the point … can be done anywhere.  The office environment is only about control.  The employer desires … craves, if I may … the ability to watch, disrupt, and micro-influence the people paid to work. 

Only real way out?  Death.  Apart from that – be the skill.  That is, “trade” for all those necessary goods and services.  Become an essential person.  Electrician.  Mechanic.  Carpenter.  Plumber.  Be necessary. 

Seems to be that many/most/all? employers want … imagine … desire … dream of … fantasize about … this mythical unicorn of the office family, functional and happy at work.  Newsflash, sweetheart—The Office was the awesome it was because it was juuust about almost right.  Just about.  The active dislikes and petty miseries and micro-aggressions … yah, an office can be kind of like family, but at least families get to argue.  The only opinions employers are interested in are the ones that make money.  Shut up and dribble.

Which is absolutely their right.  Peasant.

You need that check.  Peasant.

So?  The complaint? 

Not the unfairness.  Life is unfair.  That’s why bras and jockstraps come in different sizes. 
Who cares.  Boo cares.

It’s the rig.  The hook.  The trick.  The malicious intent.

Most folks did nothing but be born, and yet here society is.  Masters of mankind, indeed.

The rules are unstated and presumptively understood. 
Follow instruction.  Die quietly.


Bread and circuses. 

So, thus, propaganda is designed to manipulate the target’s mental à la psychically [I don’t necessarily agree with that … psychicly just feeels like it should be the nonsense of English] (like the voices—all [mostly?] in the mind) in such a way that the target remains unaware of the manipulation. 

So, thus, because life sucks, because the masters of mankind suck, to prevent revolt among the peasants the masters of mankind must give the peasants something to do [I like monster trucks] because otherwise the peasants might insist on moving society more towards the utopian end of the spectrum rather than continuing along the mechanical dystopian nightmare trajectory as our current path. 

Go buy thisssgo get thaaatthis is what happiness looks liiikebe the beautiful people

Not that I/me/we need to be the beautiful people, but the stuff amongst the propaganda is designed to fill the void of the lifesuck.  Shopping [read: spending] should never be recreational.  But it is. 

Get a mental “high” from spending “money” on stuff for self or others or just why not mewant.  Dopamine.  Dope is mine?

Keep the wages low and the prices high and the peasants poor.  Nice.  Guess what? Can’t shrink a debt monkey when can’t feed oneself. Ain’t that handy

Rather than working together as, you know, a species with common interests, objectives and goals, such as food and peace – try collaboration, maybe? and the need to keep the environment habitable for the most … air to breathe, soil to grow, water to drink … we allowed / did / permitted the opposite? 

Is our species insane? 

Yup, methinks so.  {Gen. 3:6}