Smart A$$ Kid

Truth in disclosure?  Took me a minute to warm up to theKid. 

Not that the love wasn’t there – that’s biology, like pooping – but enjoying theKid as a separate, distinct person with personality?  That took a few years. 

While theKid was counted in months, the entire parenting experience – for us, as we – was a bit nonplussing.  Poop, feed, hope there is sleep, repeat.  Really?  This is what the excitement is all about?  Nope, not impressed.

Then came four.

Four was the tilt.  Four was the moment of introspective retrospect. 

Wow.  TheKid remembers all that? 

Wow.  Whaddaya mean “my actions matter”?

Wow.  Wat. My words matter even more.

Well, booger.  Don’t I just suck.

And now, I realize just how much my indifference to basically, well, everything affected theKid, both then and now.

But see, GOD IS GREAT ALL THE TIME EVERYDAY IN EVERY WAY because theKid … is awesome, in spite of the parenting thus far received.

See, during a conversation with theKid the question arose:  “What is money to you?” 

TheKid’s response:  “Well, money is the root of all evil.”  Which is FANTASTIC.  And wrong.

Popular misconception (enthymeme[is that where that came from]?) is that money is the problem,
à la money = menace, which is not true.

It is the actions men take with money, that is, money = motivation / that, is the problem. 

1 Timothy 6:10
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

See, the Tree of Knowledge was not the problem; Eve’s action in disobeying God’s direct order has been the problem from the beginning [question: did all the animals talk in the Garden of Eden or just the serpent / asking for imaginary friends] and the collective actions of mankind have an impact on the environment, similar to the individual action of a parent has an impact on a child. 

TheKid also said that money was just paper and metal scraps (rustle&clink!), and the only reason it’s important is because other people think it is … jeee-neee-yuuusss

How awesome is that (question: why is being full of awe, awful? disgress) and causes all the happy.  See, this little experiment in debt satisfaction / monkey training is helping theKid too, because remember somewhere in here there was mention of generational wealth versus generational debt and creating a better legacy of money = mindfulness within those little minds.

I like it.  I like it a lot. More importantly? So does TheKid