dee debell & heez eemps

Or more properly translated: the devil, and his imps.  {Luke 10:18}  Here, tho’ in this little piece of the intersphere, we have a little different meaning:





See, a big part of the debt monkey comprises purpose – that thing that pushes each and every of us out of bed (or off the floor or from the rafters – never presume!) each day and provides that rationale for even bothering in the first place.  You know, with the whole life thing. 

Apart from food-clothing-shelter-healthcare, purpose / or the IMPs / can be a source of pain or pleasure (or both presume never!) when it comes to the debt monkey and management thereof. 

Controlling the IMPs keeps the monkey in check.  Training the IMPs keeps the monkey pocket-sized, portable, and easily caged.  Yesss

So! some of the brilliant mindpeople of my less-impressed youth suggested (strongly) that one find one purpose – a single IMP – and focus fun-money spending on that … such as, instead of clothes-shoes-cars-tech-jewelry-hookers&blow … just stick to one. 

BTW costs related to hookers&blow can be exponential but can have a spending plan for that, too, just stay FOCUSED where was I right … just one IMP at a time

I like monster trucks.  So I bought one.  Yesss HOWEVER

Made some investments in / expenditures related to Big Pooda (yes the truck has a name ALL TRUCKS HAVE NAMES you have not memo?) but remains currently in a state of dishabilly, and has been for some time.  Why, you/we/us may ask?

Did not accept/follow the sage advice … turns out, needed more thyme (ba-dum-bumpTIIISSS) and no you can’t kill me you’d miss me too much [grins stoopitly]

Boredom.  Rather than focusing IMPs, started clicking on crap.  Too easy to spend on distractions BUT METHINKS MANKIND MASTERS LIKE IT grrr all the grrr moving on

Ultimately, just didn’t control the IMPs … lost focus, and the IMPs, all the IMPs, began to play with the monkey.

Aaannnddd … here we are.  But we now know that now, and need not stay at are but can move onto next better best.  Be best.

Half is good with that.  Half bought an elephant and a Tangerine Dream.  The elephant purchase was at instigation of other half (such a bad influence).  Half also buys shoes. 

That’s it.  Half’s true IMP is Family, and rarely lets the IMPs play with Half’s monkey.  Half has fun with Half’s IMPs, tho’ just manages to keep the IMPs and the monkey apart … or if the IMPs are with the monkey they don’t get to play long together 

Again, Half is a genius, and theKid is listening to / learning from the right parent.

So glad there’s two of us.