Food = Fuel … Ugh. Everyday?

Like Santa Claus (more make believe) make a spending list
(NO NOT A BUDGET PAY ATTENTION) and check supplies on hand … avoid buying the same thing twice

Eat first … Costco samples are awesome / first stop upon active societal collapse … there and the Mart of Wall

Prepare food for 1+ days … must eat tomorrow too, so … plan to do that, easy-peasy (peazy? peesy?)

Not for me/us/we, but some folks are OK w/online shopping (groceries? really?) not going to do that but hey more information is better than hemorrhoids

Grow a garden, or join a food co-op. 
I again don’t like people and there will be others there and they’re in their there englishmakesnosense but methinks that’s a really good idea – community farming/gardening.  Hey, we could almost get along no not really but I would smile

Familiarity breeds … cost-savings / shop the same spot
Add’l trickery of the mankind masters?  Grocery stores are designed to encourage unnecessary spending / buying more than need, with the good stuff on the outside (fresh foods, dairy) and the pricey in the middle aisles … stay out of the middle, commit to the edge

BYOB – many stores charge for bags now so no more of that AND may be a help to keeping to that list … one suggestion?  Dedicated bag for meat because meat juice.   

Hand over ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION for discounts and perks, a la “Loyalty Rewards.”  There’s an app for that. Hey.  It’s a life tip.  Not for me maybe for you

Eschew meat, incorporate some meatless meals into the food = fuel.  No.  Meat.  All the meat.  Mmm, bacon.  moving on

Buy in bulk IF … IF … IF going to actually eat/consume.  Otherwise, just another way to waste money

Somewhere mentioned that a diet full of fresh fruits&veggies averaged out to be approx. $500 more a year … but we all poop it out anyway, so garbage in garbage out … that said, canned/frozen fruits/veggies are a less-healthy, more-cheaper alternative … an early death saves tons

Better option?  Farmers’ markets (and the Jungle don’t count… Bezos as Tarzan) in season, craft the food = fuel around what’s there … takes some time/effort/interest but not dead yet so might as well

COO-PONS!  Coupons coupons coupons becomes a nonsense word if too many (Lenny Bruce was a comical genius / Gub’mnt bullseye some bullspit) … Coupons are great … kind of old school/mom-approach to managing that food bill but the old ways are sometimes the best ways ‘cuz we all had moms (in some form)

Learned a new term:  “shelf-stable.”  How nice.  The shelf won’t collapse to the floor.  Wait OH rice and beans and popcorn for the apocalypse.  How long will canned hams last?  And store-bought beef jerky should be refrigerated … me ‘n Half gern hunt!  Bambi strips

Off-brand is on the money.  Generic?  Bah!  Pay for the PACKAGING

Water water water water water water water water water milk.  TheKid needs milk, or so all the mindpeople said, so milk.  Tap water is suspect.  Bottled water is waste.  Filtered water is effortful.  Mankind masters won this one. 

Run the numbers … Math is hard.  Not really, but lots of math, all together all at once, is hard. 

So, calculator.  Everything that goes in the cart/basket has a price, so ask the 7Qs and then ADDITUP … no surprises at the register.

Most important tip of all time?  Cash.  Can’t spend what don’t have.  Done.