Pay Back a Bish?

Fun (definitely not at the time but now fascinating from a historical perspective) fact:  Hawaii was a sovereign nation until “annexed” by the US in 1893 via an illegal invasion of U.S. Marines (hoo-ah!) that deposed the queen / overthrew the government.  Something about sugar.  And money.  Lots of money.  And strategic defense.  Something

Another fun (definitely not really) fact:  Around 50 years later, early on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Army attacked the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu.  A smidge fewer than 2500 people died during the attack, with 1,177 dying on the USS Arizona.  That’s … a lot.

Facts not fun even in retrospect:  On Monday August 6, 1945, and again on Thursday, August 9, 1945, the US dropped atomic bombs – affectionately called “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” – on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Estimated body count?  Somewhere around total 150,000 in the initial blast. Increased radiation levels worldwide make it impossible to determine how much cancer was caused by America’s retributive show of force (mur-CAH / truckyeh!)  ‘cuz Cesium 137 didn’t exist on our planet until then (can detect art/wine fakes by radiation levels that shouldn’t be) so that’s there

Welp, the Lord did say something about vengeance, about how that was His {Romans 12:19} so maybe nuclear bombs detonated on/near/about earth (we only got one!) aren’t the best idea.  Just sayin’ …

Rumor Has It:  FDR knew about the impending attack; specifically, he ordered the Red Cross to bring additional workers and medical supplies to Hawaii back in November 1941.  Apparently, at the time WWII was raging in Europe and Hitler was doing all his Hitler stuff, most of the US wanted to mind its collective business, let Hitler do Hitler … over there … and really was not interested in getting involved in a global conflict happening … over there.  Supposedly, FDR/US was already strangling Japan’s trade routes via embargos & such – trying to shut down Japan’s OMG invasion of China – so there was some indication that the Emperor might be a bit testy towards Uncle Sam but no one actually thought Japan would attack the US.  So, yah, FDR knew, … aaand he kinda didn’t, so it’s really nice that it doesn’t matter moving on

Another (absolute) fact:  About 60 years later, another attack on American soil killed another almost roughly 3000 people, and there was some indication that the Gub’mnt had forewarning about that, too.  Something about buncha tourists paying to learn to fly planes but wholly disinterested in learning to land.  Yehuhn-huhnrite

In response, the US invaded, well, everyone … over there in the sandy places … and still not sure what the objective is/was … Saddam-something-something … Qaddafi-something-something … but I know we got it done.  Hoo-mkfn-ah 

So, here we have two attacks on US soil that maybe could have perhaps been forewarned received some notice been somewhat aware but chose not.  And lots of Americans died.  Lots of other people, too, but they don’t live here, so. 

BUT!  At the conclusion of those two attacks on US soil the US went pretty much wherever it wanted and did whatever wanted to do, and in both instances, a whole lotta money has been made (war is pricey!)

I guess my point is that the masters of mankind are busy-busy bees, have been for a very, very long time, and it seems like they have a base right here in the homeland … hmmm-mmm-mmm …

Guess the real task to become a master of oneself, and those who wish to master mankind will have one less man of this kind to master.

I like it. I like it a lot.