No, It Can’t Actually Buy Happiness BUT … the Peace of Mind It Can Purchase is Priceless

Dunno who came up with the slogan, Money can’t buy happiness [googling isn’t a word] but it sure as biscuits can make you less sad.

I’m/we’re 90% certain that current problems in the co-parenting roommate relationship (oh wait—I meant “marriage”) are related to my wholesale indifference to money and Half’s total, unabashed commitment to it. 

Not that that’s necessarily bad … we just started off on the wrong foot, and methinks are now stumbling off towards the end. 

Was at an event for theKid and witnessed another kid’s dad attending the event with the New Girlfriend while that kid’s mom sat alone on the opposite end of the bench.

What the actual fuh … ?  That kid performed like crap – worth noting – and seemed a bit distracted.

Or maybe just me.

Saw a bunch of articles offering strategies to stay in a bad, loveless, disrespectful marriage.

Not encouraging, exactly, but it could be worse. 

No physical violence, but me and Half are so far apart we dwell in different dimensions.  Which wouldn’t be bad, necessarily, except for the fact that Half still feels the need to comment on my reality, whereas I’m perfectly happy to leave Half unchallenged in Half’s, as long as there are no third parties involved—oh wait—{Mark 10:7}

My point? RIGHT IN YOUR EYE major update on the money ≠ math front … busted some moves, popped some wheelies, threw out some hips [is that … twerking …?] … things’re looking better … more to come