Help Meat

Too late I learned this, but the greatest gift a man can give a woman is his total and abject disinterest.  {1 Corin. 7:1}

I/me/we think that maybe God was sending a very subtle jab … {Gen. 2:18} … He knew woman was going to be the problem, and basically cursed her and him for the pending disobedience  … help meet, not help mate, but meet/meat?  Heh.  I like it.

Most men consider women little more than soft furniture anyway, and Bill Burr had it right when he said that eventually, no man will want a human woman … once the robots get it right (why is it still talking?)

Someone asked a really smart woman (oxymoron?) who was the Taliban’s greatest enemy, and she replied, “Women.”  Yup, sounds about right.  Service and submission, hands and holes.  But then there’s that whole self-awareness thing, those hopes, plans, schemes and dreams that tend to derail even the best of intentions … road to hell paved with what, again? 

Point?  Men and women need to stay away from each other.  Men have the Bunny Ranch to meet those bio-urges, women can get the Stud Farm … young, 18-22 yo guys with abs and rod for days, smiles and lies, which is pretty much modern dating anyway … pay by the hour, keep those expectations real reasonable.  But hey, I’m old enough to know better now.  Way back when?  Just as stupid as the average now. 

But at least the warning is out there … can’t say don’t know.  AND!  And, paying for time can be factored into the spending plan … don’t think any man can legit factor how much a failed relationship is going to cost. 

Snacks to ponder/food for thought