But … Aren’t they All Make-Believe?

Not that I care — ‘cuz I haven’t seen it — but thought it was interesting anyway ‘cuz I read an article … turns out Marvel won’t find some other actor to play Black Panther for the sequel(s) … movie-makers said they’re going to pay tribute to the original actor Chadwick Boseman.

Wat?  Mmm-hmm, uh-huh, okay well haven’t like a gleventy-illion other actors played Superman Spiderman Batman so mmm-hmm, uh-huh, okay not sure what the deal is.

Oh wait.  Right.

Can we be a little MORE obvious people?  Really?  That smacks a bit.

I can think of a few folks who’d be good in the role … that guy from Tenet … that other guy from that other movie … that one guy in that little indie film … the dude from that NetFlix series … oh yeh!  And him!  That guy!  You know who I’m talking about.  Denzel Washington is waaay too old but there’s gotta be somebody else.

Why would a billion-dollar studio forego a multi-million dollar franchise based on fictional fantasy super people just to pay … a-hem … homage to one dead actor?  Heard he was good, really good, buuuhhhttt … so are a buncha other people who kinda look like him, could probably play that part in that movie. 

Oh wait.  Right.  {Gen. 10:6}