Monkey Mods, or the Latest on the Not-So-Greatest

Where am/are I/we/us on debt satisfaction?

Same place, better location.

Mentioned somewhere around here the receipt of a fall of wind, put that to better use than prior decisi0ons.

Funnily — “don’t spend” works so well that I actually … don’t spend, & there’s oodles of satisfaction there.

Still have to buy stuff, still ask the 7Qs, but the really nice part is I already know the answers before clicking on crap that only the needs are got, and the wants can go — as I’ve heard it so succinctly put — kick rocks, as it t’were.  So, without further ado (more ado, there’s always ado) … the Debt Monkey, current edition …

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Wow, really? #1$66,000$750
Hold my beer$55,000$375
Years of monkey play$22,000$500
New monkey/fresh scent$15,375$285
Monkey fun #1$6,250$250
Monkey fun #2$1,000$100
Monthly monkey$3,250$3250
Say “hello” to the New Monkey$168,875.00$5,510.00

Major problem?  Previous obligations being met with current funds needed to pay past debts.  She’s a powerful primate, but she, too, can be subdued, tamed, and caged.

Whew.  Lotta work.  Gonna happen, tho’.  {Psalm 28:7}

God is good. Al(l)ways.