See, that’s not hard.  Oops.  Made a mistake.  Operator error. 

What do the kids call it?  “My bad.” 

Turns out, in the comic book tale, T’Challa DID die, and his sister DID take over, so all the outrage over not having BP recast with another actor was much too do about nothing.

HOWEVER, the way the producers presented it in the media, smacks a bit of Nelson Muntz “hanh-hanh” … like, gotcha.

Well, they did.  A little ignorance can make a lot of blush {Proverbs 1:7} but a bit of information never hurt anybody.

Except for STD text alerts.  Those hurt a lot digress

I suppose my point is acknowledging a mistake and correcting it is much easier than sitting in denial with eyes closed, arms folded, and mind shut. 

Take debt, for example.  (HA! gotcha — hanh-hanh!)

Now, do as I type, not as I am … I haven’t obtained my credit report from the unholy trinity, so I have no idea what’s on it, who claims I owe what, or how much is actually due.

My approach?  Shoot me a letter, and then we’ll talk.  (I’m goan get debt … sah-tis-fack-shun …)  Until then, I’m not applying for credit so I don’t care. 

They/it don’t/doesn’t bother me/us, we/I won’t (englishmakesnosense) bother them (likeIsed)

Not the best approach, but the best approach for me … which is what this is all about.  Thank you for attention and consideration of the foregoing (backwent?) but back to the point, which is still getting out of debt.  Fully.  Entirely.  Completely.  Permanently.

Those masters of mankind can kiss my flat cheeks.  Oh, and did you know there’s a forever light bulb?  Been burning for 100 years in a Livermore fire house.  And why can’t we have that?