
I like Dr. Jordan Peterson.  He exudes a kind of … intellectual nakedness … that seems to be sorely lacking in modern discourse.  A willingness to think and to be wrong and to adjust some thoughts accordingly.

He doesn’t appear entrenched, shall we say …

Recently he explained that the Bible is not only the first Book written, it is also the first Book written.

See, I like that.

What happened was … the Gutenberg Bible is the first book ever printed (in the West, anyway … I’m sure China was doing its thing for a long time prior digress), and at one point, it was the only book in the whole wide world (well, mostly … there was always China) and the only book folks could (who could, anyway) read.

I like that, a whole lot.

Anyhoo, back to Dr. P … just said he’s not an atheist anymore, and went on to explain that belief is not words or statements or proclamations but action … and he acts as if God exists (He does, btw … always on point) and he further clarifies that the difference between Jesus Christ and all the other … s … is that Christ is a historical figure, proof of his existence, whereas the other … s … are steeped firmly in myth.

Me myself we (all in here) are firm believers in Christ and His power (Power?) because I’/we’ve lived the proof, seen it, smelt it, hugged it, so no questions over here, ‘cept the day of His Judgment (now that is capitalized!) and that right early {Psalms 46:5} so no worries on this side of the intersphere.

Where was I oh yes Whoopi Goldberg just got suspended for speaking against the Jews. 

Now, being of Hollywood, she should know better.

Speaking against the Jews brings down the hammer, not just ‘cuz they are God’s chosen people, or because they are the principalities and powers and rulers of this world, but because that whole Holocaust/genocidal attempt tends to make folks a mite testy, and for good reason.

Squash that. 

The Jews are a race based on religion, or their religion is their race, maybe.  Dunno.

But what I do know is that when I heard of Whoopi’s whoops — specifically, comments to the effect of “The Holocaust was not based on race.” — my immediate reaction was:  “What?  Jews aren’t a race; they’re a religion.”  But then I remember Dr. Peterson, and his willingness to examine self, and I realized that both she and I were wrong.

The discussion should not have gone that direction, first … the Holocaust was man’s evil on cloven hoof, bearing a tiny little moustache … but, and more importantly, the Jews are a race of people defined by their religion … some races are based on skin color, some on eye shape, some on geography. 

But regardless, she should have left that alone. 

God chose the Jews as the people through whom (womb) to bring His Son.  ‘Nuff said.