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To be perfectly, imperfect … I miss the pandemic.

Not the disease, specifically, (‘cuz that ain’t going nowharz) but the restrictions.

I really liked staying home, and so did the world.   Like, the Earth planet.

Did anybody else see how blue the sky actually is over Delhi, or Shanghai, or Los Angeles?  No people, no pollution.  Lovely.  We are a plague species …

Speaking of … saw a fun little historical fact not too long ago … apparently, every rough 100 years or so, for the last 500 years, there’s a massive pestilence that sweeps clears out a portion of the human population –

1520 / flu&smallpox (global est. 40M dead)
1620 / pilgrims (global est. whoknows-GODknows #of dead)
1720 / measles&smallpox&bubonic [oh my] (global est. 100K+ dead)
1820 / cholera [ooouu! poo-water] (global est. 100K+ dead)
1920 / thee Spanish Flu (global est. 100M dead – wow/potent)
2020 / COVID-19 (global est. 25M dead, and counting …)

One must admire nature’s way of cleaning house.

The sciencey types have already debunked the theory (er-HEM, the Spanish Flu began in 1918, so there) but when you think about it, how do you know today is Tuesday?  Time is so relative.  And what about when the Earth stopped turning for about a day?  {Joshua 10:12}  On when GOD rolled it on back to prove His promise?  {Isaiah 38:8}  How badly did that screw up the timetables?  And what about when we’re asleep?  And how about that matrix?  And those parallel synergistics from the lower fourth dimension (where the reptilian ETs rule humans – whoops!  tangent … I digress) but you get my point.

We (the humans we) can’t be proof positive as to the actual time, day or year, ‘cept somebody else told us, ‘cuz we certainly weren’t paying attention when we were young.  ‘Cept in school, shortly before summer break.  We ALL knew what time it was then.

Time is like money … we all just agreed what it was at some point, and both will eventually run out.

Kind of like debt (bringing that right on around) … using intangible funds (a la credit) to buy tangible goods and offered services is part of the trick … use future earned money to pay for past acquired stuff.

Not to say vendors should not be paid, but in cash … that way, the deal is done, the present is paid for, and future money not yet obtained remains unspent. 

But that’s not how things work, now is it? 

All we must be shackled by past decisions to future consequences … and the future is now.

So, with that said, here’s our gorilla, present state:

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Wow, really?$65,000$750
Hold my beer$53,315$375
Years of monkey play$23,000$0
New monkey / fresh scent$13,900$325
Monkey fun #1$9,000$150
Monkey fun #2$3,500$50
Half’s monkey$5,000$1,000
Meet:  the Silverback$172,715.00$2,650.00

Went up a  little … Half requested some funds, so that’s a chunk there, will be gone by September, if current trends hold.  

Ehh, could be better, it’s been a lot worse.  Keep it moving … the monkey is learning its lessons.  Wheee!