Banana Split

Saw a billboard recently, said “We All Need A Little Help Sometimes,” and I/we/me wondered why it’s so hard to ask for help, of any kind.

Probably because needing help is typically a sign of weakness, of failure in some fundamental way.

Guy drowned in Florida was asking for help, while the cops stood there and watched him die. 

In all fairness tho’ they did tell him not to jump into the water, and police officers are not lifeguards. 

Don’t believe they signed up for that.  They want the right to shoot people, not get all wet. 

But when one asks for help and none comes one feels a mite foolish, like one might’ve just helped oneself.

Or not gotten into that particular predicament pickle in the first place.

Chris “Bish-Slapped” Rock had a bit where when his car broke down and he tried to flag down someone to help him, those lovely New Yorkers just flew right on by.

But when he started pushing his busted vehicle by himself by the side of the road, guys stopped in droves to help him push.

Almost as if the message is … OOPS … God helps those who help themselves.  [not actually in the Bible, but God actually helps those who cannot help themselves {Psalms 121:2}]  My strength and my salvation.


So maybe the actual message is to lean on the Lord, for He has you.  Whatever it is. 

That’s why it’s so hard to ask for help from others.  We should be seeking help from Him.



Mentioned somewheres around these parts that a lawsuit has come a’knocking … on a Sunday … and Half answered the door.  Not pleasant, oh-ho-no, not pleasant at all. 

There will be shrill.

Anyhoo, rather than try to satisfy this matter on my own, God arranged to have a letter sent, which I believe is the help I/we/me need.

An actual lawyer. 

Funny thing – because this particular monkey decided to sue rather than settle, the lawyer will get some of the bananas I had planned to feed this monkey.  Heh. 

Well, maybe not heh yet. 

We’ll see just how much I have to feed this monkey to make it satisfied. 

The beautiful thing?  God has this too, so there’s no stress.  My name on the wrong side of a lawsuit, and I’m feeling blasé.


My strength and my salvation.  thank You!!!  [grinning foolishly]

More to come