Liberally Intolerant

Not a big sports person.  Used to watch football (STEEEELAAAHS!!!) until Tom Baby ruined it for everyone forever (2002 Divisional can tuck deez cheeks) … baseball can be played in tight skirts, thongs and stilettos (justa buncha standin’round) … and basketball, like English, makes no sense (how is that not a foul? ‘cuz the ref didn’t call itriiiiiiiite)

All of the above being said, it is more and more apparent that, even in sports, opinion trumps truth. 

I do know that the Warriors just won another championship – yah who cares boo cares — and saw a recent article about Mark Jackson, who apparently laid the foundation for the dynasty then got locked outside the gates. 

Mark Jackson, I just found out, is a pastor, devout Christian, and expressed some … viewpoints on the … homosexual … lifestyle (can you say that?  Or is it like “Negro?”  Grammatically correct but you better not!  Like the word “niggling” [giggles childishly] digress) and as a result he can no longer participate in the NBA as a head coach.

Doesn’t Adam Silver regularly represent loud and proud at various Pride Parades?  And one of the … “head” guys (titter) at the Warriors was living out loud at the time Mr. Jackson (but not if you’re nasty) made his comments, so no real surprise there.

With a jaded eye towards history, it appears as though the Liberals have supplanted the supposed intolerant bigotry of the Conservatives, much like how the seersucker-suited Dixiecrats crashed the party of Lincoln right after Johnson’s accused betrayal of the South by, y’know, legislatin’ those pesky “rights.”

Tech companies lean liberal, and have a tendency to silence more conservative viewpoints. 
Far back as ’49, Orwell was right; everyone just assumed fascism would wear a uniform, not Dockers. 

Look long into the abyss, and the abyss looks into you.

Dunno if that made any sense (prolly not but whatevs) the point being that humans tend to become the very thing humans profess to hate … intolerance, bigotry, ignorance.

Those jolly insurrectionists the Proud Boys recently invaded a Drag Qeen Story Time (yes, a thing and sorry, boo, ‘cuz that ain’t U) because indoctrinating young minds to accept alternate sexual lifestyles before addressing basic human biology is, shall we say, problematic.

Not saying that homosexuality, being gay, is not natural, because it is.  It occurs in nature.

Just like Down Syndrome.  And spina bifida.  And clubbed feet. 

Completely natural, and totally abnormal.  Yes male monkeys play penis-pull but it’s not normal in the sense of, like, the norm.  The “norm” = “male and female created He them.”

A church in Alabama had up a sign:  “GOD detests pride.”  A lesbian couple driving through saw the sign, were offended, and decided to kiss in front of it and take a picture (pics or didn’t happen / do it for the veh-yewwwws).  Said they felt excluded.

Well, GOD does tell us, in both the Old and the New, that homosexuality is a sin.  Old Testament declares the sin a capital offense {Lev. 20:13}, and in the New Testament clarifies the sin qualifies for eternal damnation {Romans 1:27} …. sooooo … not sure where the confusion stems.

I’m comfortable speaking for everyone who thinks exactly as I do when I say there is considerable indifference to the sexuality of any human with whom I, personally, am not pursuing. 

For me, Half would be a problem.  For everyone else — do you.

I don’t lecture on lifestyle ‘cuz feelings are all the feels but I also won’t accept Montero twerking on demons as a legitimate form of entertainment.  Or NASCAR.  NASCAR is not a sport.  Anyone else driving in circles is just lost.

The liberally intolerant don’t want to understand that the insistence, the proclamation of sexuality is what chafes.  Yah you’re here you’re queer who cares boo cares but the Alphabet People (Dave, you are a  genius) declare that everyone must. 

Case in point — civil unions.  The gay answer to the marriage question.  All the rights of a marriage without the label.  I recall Elton John making a statement to the effect that civil unions were for those who were gay, and marriage was for those who were not. 

He was resoundingly shouted down then heard crickets-else from him on the topic. 
Candle in the Wind, indeed.

Gays, lesbians … homosexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, autosexuals … cannot get married. 

Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman, and GOD. 

Sodomy — even if fun and done right— is not cleaving. 

So the matter was never about the rights but only about the recognition.  And those who refuse to recognize are … homophobic?  Fear the “homo”?

Wrong.  I fear no man but GOD. 

And the liberally intolerant declare one is full of hate if one accepts the Word of GOD as truth, and rebukes the opinion of the world.

Exactly the opposite is true.  Those who refuse to accept homosexuality as a norm are (generally – I know I am) speaking from a place of love. 

There is no desire to see the sinner die in sin. 

Interesting.  Or maybe not. 

After all, just another opinion about the truth.