Unlicensed Whoobanging

There is some good news, sort of.

Bad-guy killer kills two in an Indiana mall before getting killed by a good-guy killer. 

Death in the Food Court.  How très Americana.

Apparently, the police are very grateful to an armed civilian being armed and … “putting down” an active shooter. 

AND and a WVA CCW woman “put down” another active shooter at an apartment complex.

AND And and there’s video of a buncha guys at church in Texas whipping out firearms and taking out a shotgun-wielding nutbug.

‘Murrica!  Truck yeh!

Isn’t that one of the pillars of the NRA? The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a gooder guy with a gun?

Seems they’re right.  Heh.  {Proverbs 27:10}.

Methinks the Dums and MadLibs who want to eliminate the 2nd (which guarantees the rest, BTW digress) fail to understand the Framers got it right.

Those ancient wizened white guys saw the violence that the governing authority could inflict on the populace and wanted to ensure the public always had a way to fight back.

Ah lah — guns.

The 2nd wasn’t written to protect us from each other, but from power.

Guns don’t kill people; governments do. 

Tyranny is a real thing, and a very real risk in men with power unrestrained. 

Fer’stance, right now, the Rethuglicans are vogueing in their fascist hats, forcing women (not birthing/pregnant people, but women) to use their bodies against their express will, desire, and intent. 

Why not attack fornication?  After all, approx.. 90% of abortions are sought by single women, so 90 days for unlicensed whoobanging.  Men and women.  This law wouldn’t discriminate. 

And the Texas model could be used for a criminal-civil hybrid … peek in windows, spy on neighbors, there’s an app for that … report an unlicensed whoobanging, 90 days in jail for any offender – equal protection/due process … gotcha! – and $10,000 for those reporting. 


Somehows methinks the old white guys in charge would not support criminalizing/penalizing (heh-heh, see what I did there … “penile-zing” I show myself out) because those selfsame in-charging old white guys like their unlicensed whoobanging … many times better than with the wife. 

The point seems to be (I guess) that a constitutional amendment to protect a person’s right to be alone in her body might be the logical next step. 

Do we owe a debt of respect to that?  The right to be armed as well as the right to be left alone? 
After all, both concern the right to kill, and the right to defend oneself from unwanted others.

Probably not. 

But maybe should.