The Trouble with Balls

Found a great documentary on the Tubes of You … “The Red Pill,” with a woman (self-described feminist) as documentarian.  Excellent job, BTW.

Al Pacino is old enough to be dead at this point, but in the 70’s/80’s (that’s 1900s for You young whippersnappers – and what is a “whippersnapper,” exactly?  Don’t mean to offend but maybe do) he was the total man … all The Godfathers, Serpico, And Justice For All (“You’re out of order!  You’re out of order!  The whole trial is out of order!”), and don’t not let’s never forget Scarface (“Ah’m not goan kill you, Frank … Manny – shoot this POS.”)

Frank Serpico was a real cop during the really (really?!) corrupt times of the NYPD … graft, planted/suppressed evidence, cops dealing drugs … kinda like LA/Oakland/everywhere now, but with more grit, less style.  Anyhoo …

Serpico went undercover to expose all the criminality in the police force and got shot in the face for his troubles.

Real guy, real gunshot (shivers) but he received a NYPD pension that was quite lovely, from what methinks heard.

The real crime?  Some trashcan tricked him into getting her pregnant, and she got 90-percent of his cop pension … for getting shot in the face and exposing corruption.

The court was full-aware of her actions bcoz she bragged to a friend about it, and that friend (true friend, there) testified in court that the trashcan said she was going to do it.

And the trashcan still got paid.  For having a baby by/with/on a man who didn’t want her or it.


Heard about a case in New York (Jersey? no matter same place) where this guy gets served with a demand for child support, claims kid can’t be his bcoz he and the trashcan only had an … oral relationship (her on him, he didn’t reciprocate [which is prolly why he got sued]) … and there is no way he could have impregnated the trashcan in that manner. 

Paternity test comes back, and Maury said:  You ARE the father

Trashcan said in court filings that the guy was telling the truth … they never engaged in traditionally unlicensed whoobangin’ but she saved his … dumpster juice after he left it in her mouth then impregnated herself with it. 

Eeeeeeewwwwwwwuuuuuhhhh.  Nasty trashcan savored and saved the dumpster juice … anyway.

Guy now on the hook for like $8K/mo (doctor person) in child support for a kid he didn’t want, wasn’t aware of, and didn’t even deposit in an act that would result in a pregnancy. 

So he files a civil suit against the trashcan. 

Theft, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.  Why is paternity fraud not a thing?  Digress

Court says the trashcan didn’t really steal his dumpster juice bcoz, technically, by leaving it in her mouth he gave it to her.

Eeeeeeewwwwwwwuuuuuhhhh.  Nasty trashcan savored and saved the dumpster juice … continuing …

So the civil action for theft is gone.  BUT but the court did allow the emotional distress claim to go forward bcoz no rational person would believe his actions would result in a pregnancy/child. 

Dunno what happened after that.   

Related, sort of … not necessarily a fan, but methinks his message was … interesting. 

Guy by the name of Andrew Tate got banned from popular social media.  Not sure why, but it is definitely a thing. 

He has been compared to Nazis, the KKK, and ISIS for … encouraging? men to be traditionally hyper-masculine, like primordial, evolutionary throwback caveman, and suggests that the soft man of the current age needs to outsource masculinity when faced with true aggression (male Karens [Carls?] call the cops rather than “man up” and handle the threat … interesting].

Cancel culture cancels culture … how poetic. 

And he is (was) a part of culture … the Manosphere, which is a part of modern culture, as distasteful as some might find it.  Tate’s Hustler University purportedly taught men how to … groom young women to be better … what, sex objects?  Probably.  But – as discussed back in the ‘90’s (that’s 1900s for You young whippersnappers – see above) a former feminist (an old dude, BTW) by the name of Warren Farrell, Ph.D. wrote a book called, “The Myth of Male Power,” and discussed how men are “success objects,” and valued solely by what they can provide as opposed to who they are as people.

Controversial, methinks I know.

The real sorry aspect of all this is that the serious question of the attraction with this issue is never asked … why are untold numbers of men (young/old/in-between) flocking to the likes of Andrew Tate, of Kevin Samuels (RIP), of Jordan Peterson, of Donald Trump? 

All are examples of strong men, when the world has a serious dearth of them, when the world is telling men that it is not OK to be men, that they need to be more like women, when a woman is undefined / is whatever the person is that claims to be one … is.

And the world – men and women alike – owe a debt of gratitude to men for building the world we all live in, with its problems and shortcomings and issues, still way way way better than pooping outside, hunting meat that can fight back, foraging for berries and walking 20 miles both ways uphill to get water.

I’ll take today, thank you.  It ain’t all bad news.

But because we live not in the Information Age but rather the Misinformation Age, where truth is subjective and facts are offensive and exclusionary, young men seek the stolidity of aggressively, assertively male examples. 

At this point it should be obvious that the hysterical inclusionary feminazi liberal wokespeech is not working. 

Transgenders seek to appropriate the identity of others because claiming their own is uncomfortable, and uncertain, and undefined, because they truly do not know who/what they are.  

Homosexuality stridently declares itself to be a norm because it most assuredly is not. 

Women demand rights without responsibility – her body, her choice / his wallet, his rules. 

The knowledge of truth is scary, so the world seeks to deny the fact of it.

Matt Walsh’s “What Is a Woman?” asks a great question that should have a simple answer. 

For the cheap seats:  A woman is a biological female who has matured to adulthood. 

See?  Easy peasy.

A man is not a woman.  Born with a dick?  Not a chick.  But relating a factual truth is transphobic. 
{2 Timothy 3:1-7}

We got problems.  But wonderfully and everlastingly, HE is the solution.