Knew Forgot Something

Wow that was a lot.

Guess I had a feelin’.  Whew, much better now.  Back to … yeah.

Anywhoots, GOD reminded me to not spend and if spend do so wisely.

Methinks me’d been doing that, but in my head alone. 
(Well with all the residents but we don’t talk to the others unless they shout)

So GOD told me to do a spending plan (not a budget bcoz budgets don’t work budgets are stoopit) and in July I tracked spending, which wasn’t entirely accurate but gave a pretty good idea.  So!  For September …

$2,000 for gas and groceries, bcoz that’s where most of the excess damage occurs.  Gas prices have stopped just short of $20/tank, theKid is back in school, one of my monkeys is banana-set, another has one final payment then fully fed, the Damaged Parent should be good, got the vehicles their repairs (fingers crossed/hope-hope) … nothing on the monkey horizon.  Altho’ I am getting offers for more debt. 


Masters of mankind, indeed. 

We’ll see how it goes.  {Philippians 4:5}