Not Ready for This

Half damaged theKid.

Not intentionally.  Not permanently.  No visit to the ER/urgent care (yaaaaay insurance!)  theKid’s fine.

But still.

Half owned the damage, claimed total fault, made apologies, hugs all around.

But still.

Children are completely at the mercy of their parents.  Unless/until the damage is bad enough for the state to step in, children are truly the most vulnerable … entirely subject to the errors of their parent’s’ ways.

Parental moods, the daily engage, overarching financial responsibility (heh) … who honesty believes he/she/it/other is legitimately qualified to manage all of that for another person who is wholly-entirely-completely dependent upon them?

Methinks if people had a serious sit down with eachself to reflect on the necessary qualifications to successfully parent, fewer — if any — children would be born.

And yet it’s so easy … sexytimes is funtimes then kidtimes then oops … now what have we done do we have here?

Methinks me read somewhere that contraception, including elective sterilization, is actually preventative care. Now there’s a good idea.

Women are medicated at rates never before seen, and I’m sure some of those women are mothers raising kids. 

Many men these days feel disengaged from the parenting process, because (heaven forfend) if the relationship or eegats “situationship” (why oh why Lord?) doesn’t work out, then the scorned woman sometimes will use the children as weapons of male destruction … child support jail, parental alienation, false accusations … the list goes on. 

The point?

If you (yes You other person you) are of childbearing age, propensity, and ability … think twice. 

Why would any kid want you as a parent?

Your nonexistent child owns your debt of introspection. 

Had I … would I still have theKid?  That singular source of purpose, light and joy in this dreary, dank and dungeonous (I know but it should be) meat prison that is my life?

Only GOD knows.  {Galatians 3:26}

But still.

At least I would have had the foresight to ask the question. 

And lived my life in preparation of welcoming another into it. 

‘Cuz theKid gets to suffer my mistakes.  But still … working on getting better. 

And maybe that is the actual point.