And the Sands All Washed Away

The Doomsday Glacier is melting faster than the sciency-types expected … coastal cities (where approx. 200M humans actually live) are looking at a nine … foot … rise … in sea levels by … well they can’t really say “when” now, can they?  Since it’s failing so much faster than originally thought.

Parts of Pakistan, Yemen, Mexico, Australia, and Mississippi (here’s looking at you, You-Ess-Say) experienced floodrains not seen in more than a century … and it’s only going to get worse.

China, nations in Europe, the American South and Pacific Northwest, as well as most of Southeast Asia has seen temps in the 110s, some 120s in 2022 … and it’s only going to get worse.

Oh, and the Russians are bombing the largest nuclear plant in Europe. 
Good times, and they will only get worse.

Not that I care.  Well, a little, because y’know, theKid, but life is the mere foreshadow of death, which includes theKid.

Hate to think about it, but it’s getting harder and harder not to.

Ostrich, meet sand. 

Listening to the radio the other morning and some poptartlet with a current hit I haven’t heard was doing a Zoom interview (why is that a thing) and she said that she didn’t have any religion, wasn’t raised religious, and really struggled with the “whys” when bad things happen (parents’ divorce, death of a friend, etc., ad nauseum).

Well …

If the self believes in nothing, has faith in nothing, and worships nothing, then nothing is all that is.

If morality and purpose are only defined externally — “I give my life meaning; I decide what is moral” — then morality and purpose lack any real meaning beyond the self. 

So, saints and serial killers are both right.

Where is the point in this? 

Dunno.  You decide.

Kidding.  I’m kidding.


HE told us it was going to be bad, and it’s rapidly getting there.  {Matthew 24 (just read it already)}

HE told us that we would lose sight and sound of HIM and HE has never been wrong.  {2 Tim. 4:7}

Strangely, I am sorrowful but not worried. 

I regret the decision to bring theKid into this world, because theKid deserves so much better than the future to come, and yet I am so glad theKid is here. 

Methinks my own selfishness plays the biggest part in that. 

BUT but money ≠ math … money = motivation … in my case = theKid.

Purpose?  Make the theKid’s world as great as possible while it all falls apart. 

And ensure theKid believes in GOD, has faith in GOD, and worships GOD, and understands that GOD is all that is.

theKid will be just fine.  Me on the other hand?  Still working on my monkeys.

But GOD has that handled, too.