Ding Dong

Half always thought she was a vampire.  And I saw that Matrix glitch that made her eye look black.  Not the surrounding tissue, but the actual eyeball.  With a red gleam in the middle. 

David Icke (“ike” to Other Person You) said she was one of those reptilian extraterrestrials from the lower fourth dimension that rules mankind (one of the “masters,” so to speak).

Can’t say unequivocally that he’s wrong.

70 years is a long time to reign.

Was in/on a Zoom meeting call when the news came through.  My supervisor was devastated.  Not sure why, but hey … everyone grieves different.

Methinks this might be a little hateful, and I don’t think he’s necessarily happy about the death of his mother, but from the little I’ve seen there appears to be a bit of lowkey glee in his demeanor at finally having his turn on the throne. 

BUT but also heard His Latest Majesty isn’t exactly beloved by the people … might be some lingering bad feelings re his treatment of the People’s Princess … who (according to Icke was pregnant with Fayed’s baby [but of course there will/would/could never be any official confirmation of that] at the time of the car wreck [the details of which still don’t make sense but whatever … the official story is the only one that gets told]) was still famous and adored upon her death at 36.

Same as Marilyn Monroe.  Go figure. 

And Bob Marley.  What the nuts?  Is this a pattern this is not a pattern could this be a pattern?  Mmm …
Anywhoo [shivers] …

An American professor wished excruciating pain upon that 96-year-old woman as she lay dying.

Seems a bit harsh, buuuuut … the British Empire does represent the nastiest piece of work in modern human history.  Genghis Khan was a pistol, too, relatively speaking, but he did all his damage before electricity, and rewarded excellence, even among the conquered.  Rumor has it – if Mr. Khan saw talent, he asked the person to be in his … crew?  Group?  Tribe?  Dunno, but he at least asked the question.

Now, refusal may not have been an option
(didn’t he start the molten silver down the throat trend?  Here comes TikTok)
but he allowed the option.

British Empire didn’t do that. 

British Empire just stole and seized and genocided (wat. yeh) from folks in the Americas and Asia and Australia and Africa — is that everybody I think that’s everybody — and you (other persons You) had to … look … a certain way … resemble … a single, certain people … fit … a particular description … before humane treatment was even a possibility.

And still, even poor Brits who met the bare, basic, minimum requirements suffered under the monarchy, so there’s that. 

Guess that whole “love of money is the root of all evil” {1 Tim. 6:10} got some demonstrable, empirical evidence now, doanit?

And guess it also begs the question:  Since the British Empire acquired its wealth from theft on a global scale, what debt does the British Empire owe the world? 

Now, that debt never be paid, but at this point, is debt satisfaction even an option? 

Not enough bananas in the world to feed that monkey…. 

My six-figga gorilla doesn’t seem that bad. Go figure.