Not Mad, Bro

Happy to be wrong!  No blue blood bath, the red wave was a mere spotting, and it appears that DeSantis and Trump will consume one other in a glorious and protracted battle of nonwits. 

Things may be looking up.

Fetterman won (Oz was just awkward, and disloved by the O), Michigan won, the most boringest man in the world (I see you, Wisconsin) won, the good folks of Colorado may have some sense (but increasingly maybe not), and Georgia … oh, Georgia. 

MTG and Herschel?  Really?  What did the good pastor ever do to you?  Well, there is the runoff, and methinks me hope to be wrong, but the worst is usually what happens, so there’s that …

Glad the original election denier lost, knew she would … Stacey “BLM” Abrams started that whole “I-didn’t-lose-the-election-was-stolen” nonsense back in 2018, because Trumpty Dumpty (LOVE ALL PARTS OF THAT) never had an original thought in his life. 

The really good news?  The Rethuglicans took it on the chin, didn’t use the Trump playbook, accepted the loss like adults rather than stinkypants babymen.  Good on them.

So Congress (total opposite of progress, don’t forget) will likely remain a dumpster fire with the ‘Thuglicans taking the House and maybe the Senate but with blade-thin majorities, so maybe the federal Legislature will get something done.

OnsecondthoughtmygoodnessIhopenot.  What’s the national debt, again?  $31.2T, vs $4.9T revenues?  Yes, right.  Brandon said from his teleprompter that he managed to lower it but didn’t explain how … merry, magical thinking doesn’t actually count. 

But, overall, there seems to be a national sense of … sense.  Like, ordinary folks have more rational reasonableness that their elected officials, and the officials elected tend to be a wonderful reflection of that.

Good on us.

Not entirely, though, bcoz girl-fondling Gaetz and Leprosy (oops, I meant Pelosi) remain in their respective positions of dominion and control, McCarthy is telling his interns to call him Mr. Speaker before he actually gets the job, the Turtling Penis remains dour and in power … altho’ he’s not up again until 2026, there’s always a hope of recall, but methinks the denizens of Kentucky wouldn’t rise from their sisters long enough to organize the thought so there’s that that’s MEAN but honest so does it count probably not moving on

But BUT, women all across the country took umbrage at the idea of chattel slavery and I haha’ed all the way at that.  Three states enshrined the right to one’s body into their respective constitutions.  Take that in mouth, Supremes, because can’t get preggo that way (but there was this one woman who saved it and hit the guy for child support after she saved it and preggo’ed herself with it ewwww how nasty/diabolical).  Make it a states’ right, the states get it right.  Let’s do taxes next, I need some relief. 

Anyhoo, it’s been an interesting season of the democratic process.  I look froward to more. 

But not really.  We’re all doomed.  But at least there is always hope.  Just not here.  And certainly not in the government of and by men.  Oh ho no silly human {Romans 5:3-4}

Louisiana did vote to keep slavery.  So much progressive.  Thank you, ‘Murrica, for proving my point.