Election Night in ‘Murrica

I’m old enough to remember the gas lines from the 70’s but too young to have felt any actual pain from them.  My Elder had to remember the vehicle license place and the days those plates could get gas (odd/even)

Inflation sucks.  But it’s a good thing … (should) make folks spend less or not at all.


May have mentioned somewhere amongst these parts my responsibility for the household bills (see: gas&groceries and lots else) … this weekend got cash then hit the grocery store with a running tally of the cost of things in the cart (“it puts the lotion in the basket”) and, happy to say, worked out quite well.

Got most of the stuff needed to feed the fam, was off by only $10. 


It’s Election Night in ‘Murrica … that biennial circle jerk that offers up good feelings re the democratic process (yeh right) … ’22 is likely to be a blue blood bath, but we shall see.

Not that it matters.  At this point, methinks don’t believe anyone/Congress could do much about the rising cost of everything.

Popeye’s Chicken Box went from $6.24 to $10.99 … same products, just more money for it.  “Shrinkflation,” methinks it’s called.

I read/saw/heard somewhere that the global economy never actually recovered from the burst of the ’08 bubble … that worldwide markets have just tread water for the last 14 years until now, when the actual drowning begins. 

The real problem — so aptly rephrased — is “collective impoverishment” … not my term, just using it here.  Wages aren’t comparable to prices, less money available to pay for the same stuff.

Buncha preppers offering 3-year food supplies, water tablets, independent energy sources, off-grid living … funny, those folks actually think humans will retain enough civility to allow those long-range goodies to be put to functional use. 

People will be warring in the streets, for heaven’s sake.  {Matthew 24:10
Dining on dogs (or cats, maybe.  Yeh, definitely cats)

I haven’t seen any of the Purge movies but heard Chicago (Chi-Raq?) is auditioning for the reality show. 

Methinks the 2000 election was actually stolen (with the aid of the Supremes) and 9/11 was an inside job … never rode the Obama Train / some thought he was the actual antiChrist but he’s not a Gemini so no (Damian Thorne was a June baby) …  believe Trump was a liar and fool, a narcissist and a bully, and totally perfect for America … Biden is a staggered and demented geriatric who had no business running for office but was the best alternative to Trump (see: above).

And these are the choices to lead our democratic republic. 
I suppose if one has the right to vote, one owes a debt to the nation to exercise it. 

Maybe ’24 will give us Beto O’Rourke and Chris Sununu … that will be fun. 

Not particularly hopeful re the state of the nation … my real hope is for the New Jerusalem.  I fear, however, that many more tribulations are to come before HE returns. 

Hope, and HE, is my salvation.

Apparently, the only one at this point.

HIM, and paying with cash.  Before that goes (is taken?) away. 
(see: Mark of the Beast?  Anyone?  Anyone?)