Getting Closer, and Closer

Well here’s some good news, and right in time for that global (well, in the West at least) heathenistic annual celebration of consumption and excess expenditure.

Apparently, there have been some recent archaeological discoveries that further support the Bible.

Well who knew?  GOD apparently, but people just get uncomfortable around HIM … that whole sin thing is a bit of a pickle.

Specifically, couple of steles from Ancient Egypt and found in the Middle East establish Israel was its own nation, that King David and King Solomon were actually men who actually lived, and the parting of the Red Sea was entirely possible via a “wind setdown.”  {Exodus 14:21}  How very cool is that

HOWEVER, because the US is under the dominion and control of Lucifer/Satan/that ol’ devil, US Congress (the opposite of progress is what?) just passed the (dis)Respect of Marriage Act, which requires every state to recognize marriages considered legal in another … the most telling aspect (to me, at least) was that it serves to protect “same-sex” and “interracial” marriages … as if those two things were the same. 

Um, no.  And Clarence — the dimmest of all the lowlights, Kavanaugh included — did not mention the due process rights protected in Loving v., just Griswold, Lawrence, and Oberfell … perhaps because he himself has Escaped to Swirl Mountain, but let’s not assume, shall we?  Or perhaps we shall.

See, even folks from biblical times mixed ‘n matched … Moses’ second wife was Ethiopian {Numbers 12:1}, King Solomon was into some ebony with that ivory {Song of Solomon 1:5}, and there were some certain “mingled peoples” {Ezekiel 30:5} in those olden times. 

The problem with miscegenation was, well, white people, specifically white men, who were worried their women would wander off.  Existential crisis, indeed.  So “interracial marriage” needed no constitutional protection, because marriage between man and woman was always sanctified. 

Mankind of the white kind was the problem, not biblical teaching … altho’ the identity “Christians” have corrupted Scripture to suit their dogma/doctrine {Ezra 9:2; Nehemiah 13:26} methinks the point being made is that GOD’s Chosen were failing to follow HIS rules and worship HIM as the one true GOD, and instead were following the policies, practices, and paganisms of other groups they were marrying and mixing-in. Had they converted rather than getting/being converted, methinks the prophets would not have been so vexed, so terribly, terribly vexed.  

But nowhere anywhere will one find Scripture that says man-on-man/woman-on-woman was OK.

Anyhoo, there is a massive push by the Alphabet People (thanks for that, Dave) to normalize their particular sin, and methinks it is merely another sign o’ the times that we are in the End Times … not that that is necessarily a bad thing — unless you are an unredeemed sinner then oh-ho-no! doan wunna be U! — because the Lord will return and makes all things new … which is awesome because mankind is killing the earth’s ecosystem. 

I do believe nuclear waste is still pouring out of the Fukushima plant, some eleventy-umpteen years after that big quake.  Folks who know the ocean say they see a lot of dead and mutated fish, and don’t see the Pacific thriving with life like it used to.

Sigh.  Guess mankind feels no debt to the earth.  That’s OK.

Payback is coming.  And Mother Nature is pissed.