Never Concede Defeat (Unless You Lost Then Yes)

OK so with the holiday season looming, I took a look at the debt repayment/satisfaction progress and … well.  Not so good.

The rules still apply — Don’t Spend If Spend Spend Wisely — as well as the 7Qs … however, despite, nevertheless, unfortunately, well … progress has … not halted, not exactly, but shall we say curbed.

Still making moves, still feeding my monthly monkey of debt satisfaction as well as all the other monkeys of discontent, but … some of them have grown.

Now before someone @’s me in my defense (not that I have one but still) had to shell out $1350 to repair the truck (unplanned/still less than $90K for a new one so no real complaint there) as well as, well, reasons.  Dog is costing me $500/month, ‘cuz Dog is 105 and itchy.  And — see earlier — I hate the holidays, had to spend (well not had to but since I’m not actually the Grinch I’m expected to participate and even he had a change of heart/simp) on Half and theKid, so there’s that.

Not blaming Half, but Half … well to blame Half had to cover some/one of Half’s agreed expenses, and theKid’s diet changed to, well, real food, which is expensiver than the food-like products I had been shoveling down theKid’s gullet, so there’s that. 

So there’s more of that.  And here’s this … my current monkey of shame. 
But I have none so monkey-poo all over you.  Duck

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Wow, really?$65,000$750
Hold my beer$52,315$375
Years of monkey play$12,000$1,000
New monkey / fresh scent$12,315$285
Monkey fun$9,000$600
Monthly monkey I$5,000$1,200
Monthly monkey II$3,000$250
Meet:  Poo-flinging Chimp$158,630.00$4,460.00

Went up a little (grunt) but still feeding regular bananas to one of my more troublesome monkeys, so that one is steadily coming down.  By this time 2023, dat monkey be ded. 

Slow and steady wins the race.  {Titus 2:2}

Just not in NASCAR (Negroes Ain’t S’posedah Care About Racing) … Altho’ methinks McNabb had a point/racing is not really a sportsport admittedly it would not be as exciting w/o high-speed crash potential, and must go fast, fast, faster still to catch that lovely checkered flag but watevs, you (Other Person You) get the point.

Which is stick to it.  And the debt comes down. 

Otherwise the monkey just gets bigger, and harder to feed.

Think:  tarsier, not silverback

Will do.