Bloated ‘n Swole, the Sequel / AKA – More Fat

One aspect of the Great Debt Escape that methinks is discussed too oft-little is the cost of actually trying to live while getting out of debt.

Yeh yeh yeh I know … reduce expenses, direct those savings to debt satisfaction, stop using cards … yadda-yadda, yadadadadada whatevs

And I noticed that many of the debt-free success stories are either (1) single, or (2) in collaborative marriages/partnerships with both parties sharing a common goal.

This, is so very not, that.

How do you save for a rainy day when it won’tstopraining?

Persistence, and consistency.  Ugh.  How dull.  Where’s my magic fix?

Being in debt is like being fat.  Gotta put the work in, and none of it is fun.

The results, tho’ … oh-ho-ho!  The results are so worth it.

If they just weren’t so far away.  (Sigh.)

And I misspoke/lied earlier … Half paid to have a dog run installed, so I guess that was my Christmas gift.

I guess. 

Truly, tho’, Half and theKid are the real blessings, and I’m happy/grateful/thankful to have both of them.
{Psalm 84:12}

Now, if I can just get this life-thing right, I can make their lives even better.

Happy New Year.