Baby Blues

Read a funny story the other day.

Not funny in the sense of high hilarity, but in the sense of “laugh or scream.”

Guy got a vasectomy.

Then the wife got pregnant.

Suitably outraged at being married to a harlot, the man demanded a paternity test and a divorce.


Turns out, the kid was his biological.  23 and me, indeed.

So now the guy is suing the doctor for the failed procedure.  Can you win a civil suit for the cost of raising an unintended kid to 18?  There have been actions for “wrongful life” but courts generally don’t like those … “you should not have been born/here, have some money”

Guy’s a major jerk, tho’ … guess an apology and some contrition costs more than child support.  He broke his home on a presumption rather than actual fact … sometimes those things reverse, methinks that fairly common knowledge even if the occurrence is fairly uncommon … probably should have gotten the test before embracing his outrage … shoulda-woulda-coulda / didn’t-won’t-can’t.  Good luck with alimony and child support for the next 20 years and yes she gets all of his everything (cringeshudder)

And in other news … some baby mama’s baby daddy asked for a paternity test because, y’know, mama’s baby is daddy’s maybe. 

She was all offended, he didn’t trust her, thought she was a thot (see, I’m hip … or is that already that’s passé?  Touché), so she decided to break their already broken home, take her baby, and leave.

Because it’s all about her, see.  Not about the kid.  Not about the fact that she birthed/he sired a bastard, illegitimacy for everyone, but because she’s all up in her feelings, the child now gets a part-time dad.

‘Coz that’s so much better.

How about this?  How about getting the test, be proven not to be a complete and total whore, then engage in some conversation with the other half of your illegitimate child re the trust issues so at least the kid has the possibility of being raised by two full-time parents, who — even if they didn’t love/respect each other enough to make it official/legitimize the kid — would at least be present for the day2day?  How about that?  No?  Too much?

Oh right; that would require (1) maturity, (2) accountability, and (3) craniorectal surgery.

Is the apocalypse here?  Why yes, yes it is.  It’s called a slow burn, and we’re all feeling the heat.

Point?  Neither marriage nor bastardy seem to work between modern men and women, and the children are the ones who legitimately (see what I did there?) suffer. 

The debts owed to the next generation will simply be passed down … rinse/recycle/repeat …
and theKid is condemned to that. 

What have we done.  Not enough, apparently, and way too much.  {Matthew 27:25}