What Is This Dead Thing?

Started off the New Year with some gruesome …

theKid attends a private school (of course) quite a distance from the house (of course) and the area is somewhat rural … not entirely, because “Murrica ain’t really that where we live, but there is/are farms, livestock, and long stretches of road between stoplights/intersections, such ‘n things a’those. 

Anyhoo, driving (chauffeuring, ‘coz that’s my job) theKid to school first day back after the holidays and I notice, on the side of a road, a very large, very dead, creature of some sort.

Couldn’t tell if it was a horse or a donkey or a cow, bigger than a sheep, smaller than a moose, and it looked … well, heavy, as well as dead.  Incredibly so. 

My first reaction was sorrow.  The bigger the animal, the more the personality.  Elephants rock, so I thought of some person, missing this … thing, because it didn’t fall from the sky and it didn’t look wild, just … domesticated, and dead. 

And then, over the next three days, it stayed there. 

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday am … it was still there, when I drove theKid to and from school. 

Now, theKid never noticed.  theKid is a child of the internet, and smartphones, and flatscreens, and tech, so the really real world must have flashing lights or sirens or big noise to get theKid’s attention, and this dead thing hunched on the side of the road was too quiet and lacking in excitement.  Just pity.

And there is the possibility that theKid would be a bit traumatized by the sight of something so large and dead and abandoned.  I know I was/am.

And I started thinking about the difference between the sexes, and how some men, somewhere, were going to have to work together and get this dead thing — whatever it is/was — off the side of the road, onto some truck, and disposed of in some manner away from, well, away.

Because women are not going to handle large, dead animals rotting on the side of the road.  Just not.  Maybe some, but those types of women oftentimes are more like men than traditional women so they don’t count. 

Andrew Tate got arrested shortly before New Year’s, purportedly because he boasted to Greta Thunberg (she of the pinchface climate warrior goddess of outrage … needs only a breastplate, labrys and greaves) that he had a Bugatti (0-60mph/2.4 secs, 11 mpg [heh]) and had a pizza delivered as he roasted her self-owning burn (mix metaphors much?) …

My point?  Watched a podcast (tech-age, indeed) with Mr. Andrew “Top G” Tate and the chick who got social media famous for yeast infections and BJs (no not that one THAT one) and he was very reasonable, very insightful, and gave excellent advice.  He is not the woman-hating boogieman he’s been branded (well, maybe to Greta) but rather merely suggests women need to be more selective with their sexuality, because the type of men most women want don’t want whores/harlots/hoebags. 

Which leads me to the death of Kevin Samuels, may he rest peacefully.

And that guy — MTR — who got ball cancer (shudders).

Rich Cooper and Rollo Tomassi have been … marginalized a bit by their past dealings with, shall we say, less than entirely submissive women (at least to them) so that history can always be exhumed like zombies for an attack.

And the point of all this?  The necessity of men, and not these … whatever they are, mid-range almost guy-boys in makeup and skirts and nail polish all in their feelings but masculine men, assertive men, no-BS men, the type of men who storm the frontlines and handle large caliber guns with proper intentions and run into burning buildings ‘coz there are people inside and clear large dead carcasses off the side of the road.

I can’t see Harry Styles making that happen in his skirt and flippy hair.

But these men are necessary, and these men are being shut down, closed out, pushed away … and methinks there’s a certain madness to this method. 

Strong, assertive, masculine men question authority, buck trends, and lead revolutions.

Modern society was built by such men, and owes them the debt of civilization.

Which is why, methinks, they must die.  Or be forcefully dissuaded.  Or systematically (see what I did there) dismantled.

Change is coming. 

And the masters of mankind need to keep the masses distracted, under control, and in check. 
{Ephesians 6:12}

Be ware.