Fewer with Less

Just finished a delightful little read about the pending collapse of civilization— “An Inconvenient Apocalypse” — and I must say … well done.  Mostly, anyway.  Even taught me a new word:  “ecocide.”

Basically, these two first-world, over-privileged aging white guys are proclaiming “game over,” and it’s time to find a new way to be.

“Species out of context,” indeed.

Humankind recently reached the 8Bn-person threshold, and the planet is groaning.

Atmospheric rivers in CA.

Tornados in AL (but weren’t there always?  Feels like yes)

Frozen Buffalo … one of Half’s relatives actually froze to death.  Tragic, but I’ve heard freezing to death is one of the less-painful ways to go … shivering, then sleep.  The Inuits were on to something.   Could be worse.

Anyhoo, American farmers have been sounding the alarm since shortly before the pandemic of 2020 … apparently, the Gub’mint forced those who feed the world to stop doing that, with the expectation that the pending famine will cull the herd enough to maintain the remaining.  

If not for theKid, I would not care.  But for theKid, I will fight to the death.  Sigh. 


The basic premise is that the western world (code word: white people, and specifically, particularly white men) have led the planet’s ecological systems to this breaking point but it’s not time to point fingers, á la “the moral high ground is a dangerous place to stand” yehrite yet whatever eventually the systems in place will not be sustained, regardless of the technological innovation and digital alchemy and synergistic dynamism … AI will not save us / Alexa&Siri are shorting out as the ship goes down.

In essence, we (mankind we) are not smart enough to invent enough healthy dirt, clean water, or clear air to cover the mess we (mankind we) have made for ourselves, and soon … everything will start to fail.

Quite some time ago theKid asked me something about something and I replied, “Everything manmade will fail.”  And this includes ourselves [as we are all born of wom(b)an]

Couple of years ago the electricity grid for the entire state of Texas was 11 minutes from catastrophic collapse … experts (who?) said it would have been years before it was operational again. 

Soon, much sooner than is comfortable to consider, man’s world will be lit solely by fire pit, lantern oil, and candlelight.  Billions of people will die, and those that are left will need to (re?)discover a sustainable way to simply be.

Guess all that debt doesn’t seem so overwhelming now, eh?
iPhone 23, indeed. And exactly how many cameras do I need on a phone?

S’posin’ the real question is: Does the world have enough oil for the lamps?  {Matthew 25:4}