Debt Check

Meguess to start the newly yeared with a debt check, see how/what my monkeys are doing.

Progress is admittedly slow, but it isn’t as if life stops whilst one tries to get one’s turds in order … those chimps just keep on flinging poo …

So, without further ado (more ado, always ado) … the current gorilla of foolishness:

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Wow, really?$65,000$750
Hold my beer$52,315$0
Years of monkey play$11,000$1,000
New monkey / fresh scent$12,075$285
Monkey fun #1$9,000$600
Monkey fun #2$5,000$1200
Really monkey?$1,500$500
Did I really buy that, monkey? Why yes … yes you did  $500  $250
Meet:  Travis$156,390.00$4,585.00

Methinks me suppose should set a goal for 2023.  Not like I’ll actually achieve it — men plan, GOD laughs and laughs and laughs and … — but one can always dream.

And for a piece of somewhat good news, one of my more meddlesome monkey will be fully fed and thus totally starved as of the end of this year, barring the unforeseen
(Whelp!  Just jinxed meeself … anyhoo) and the $$$ to that will go to … well, something else. 

‘Cuz there’s always something else.

Oh yeh, and what about Truk?  There’s an oil leak, there.

Oh, yeh!  Had some weather that broke stuff that covers other stuff.  Amazon is not my friend.

Oh yeh!  Did I mention I owe theKid $1000? 

Yeh, that too.  Hey!  Even if bury/burned with all one’s money, can’t keep it/can’t take it with you.

The cost of living is just a daily reminder of that.  {Job 36:19}