Baby Jesus and the Bathwater

Andy Stanley is the son of Charles Stanley, of In Touch Ministries, late-night evangelical infomercial fame.

Many consider dear ol’ dad to be a true follower of Scripture, and a pastor of the Word.

His son, however, is an apostate.

Methinks his own sexuality may have … tinged his outlook a bit, but here’s a guy that says the homosexuals are more faithful that most Christians, and that the Church (á la the body of Christ) could learn a lot from them.


Christ says that if you love Him, you will obey His Word and follow His Teachings.

The Alphabet people do not do that.  Unless they are actively practicing celibacy, they are committing sins against GOD by sexing the way they do … man lying with a male as with woman is an abomination {Leviticus 20:13} … there is no stutter

Leviticus 18:22, which, coincidentally (not) within that chapter also commands the faithful to abstain from incest, bestiality, and the burnt sacrifice of children.  Hmmm … I detect a theme

Romans 1:26-27

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Jude 1:7

But this guy, an actual preacher, believes that the Bible is just more “religious literature,” a bunch of dusty old manuscripts written umptyleven years ago by illiterate goatherders over a span of about 1000 years that just happens to be internally consistent, morally inerrant, and prognosticative.

The notorious JBP said from his own mouth that the Bible is the basis for and of truth … a “meta-truth,” such that, without the Bible, we (the collective human we) have no foundation for truth.

Which is where we are now … as Matt Walsh so succinctly asks, “What is a woman?”  There is a very simple answer to that question, that is true, but no one in modern society seems ready to hear the truth.

Mr. Stanley has been described as follows: “He is a cancer to the church and a disgrace to the faith.” I’ll just leave that there. Couldn’t have said it better meself.

BUT but … the Lord did tell us that things would get really, really bad, and seeing it in my lifetime is both frightening and edifying.

Being on the right side of history is going to hurt.

But only for a little while.  {Mark 13:20}