
Saw a CBN story from about a year ago … China is switching to digital currency to go along with that social credit score.

That way, the Chinese Communist Gub’mnt can monitor/track all spending, every financial transaction, every purchase, and — if disapproved — can cut off the user’s access to funds immediately in real time.

In Davos, the masters of mankind (I see you) are holding forth on digital currency as the next wave of money tech, claims such a process will afford greater economic stability and consistency in the markets.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhtttttttt (ad infinitum, ad nauseum)

The US (‘Murricah!  TruckYeh!) is supposedly planning something similar, ‘tho’ we gots too many guns and not enough natural teeth to let that happen, for which I am profoundly grateful.  Inbreeding has its benefits.

The mark of the beast is on the way … {Revelation 6:13}

Good thing to know, tho’, is that there will be a black market using cash and barter in trade, so there will I be.  Hard to envision the risk/reality of it, but it’s there, hovering at our collective backs like wings.

Mentioned earlier around these parts that a food shortage is being … engineered, possibly/probably to force the masses into compliance with the NWO (I preferred NWA — at least they were honest) and usher in the antiChrist.

The times will not be fun.  The heads will roll.  And true Christians will have to stand up to get cut down.

Did I mention theKid attends a Christian school?  Yup.  With chapel on Wednesdays.

I am there.