The Great & The Horrible

Know what’s equal parts horrible and great?

Not knowing the prices of things, and buying them anyway.

Not talking cars, or houses, or dunno, jewelry, nothing like that.  Just the everyday stuff that winds up in the cart and then on the card and then on home.

Instance:  theKid has a thing for naan bread.  More power, I say, ‘coz theKid is peh-eh-kee when it comes to food.  Totally my fault/I take the hit/didn’t encourage enough different foods as a youngling/digress

Anyhoo, went to the store to get the naan and potatoes and eggs (which were $5 whole bucks for a 12-piece carton that I noticed) and just realized that I have not even the vaguest clue as to how costly the naan bread is.  Just found something theKid liked, and ran with it.  S’pose I could just look at the receipt but where is that exactly my point

The luxury of a first-world existence.

Between Half and other half are a total of seven cars … three of which are entirely unrunning, two are used for daily commute, one transports the animals, and the final transports the other animals in style.

One of the unrunning is a monster truck—OOoouuuwah!  Recently saw Elvis flip El Toro Loco and if you ain’t NHRA, you ain’t lifing right.  Yeh, I seddit.  Comin’ in a Cummins – yee-huck!  Digress … where was I … oh yes, in-house, unrunning monster truck, been sitting for, oh, going on 30 years AND YES I WILL FIX IT just waiting on a large lump sum of lottery winnings/lost inheritance/gambling streak to stroll on it to take care of that.  Heh.

Actually, life has gotten in the way of what I actually want to do, so the fun stuff must wait.  And wait.  And wait.  She’s good, tho’, possessed, á la Christine (I almost liked his second haunted car story better / almost but not quite … Buicks are/always were nightmares) but the good news is that with the regular feedings of my more pesky monkey(s), I can now envision a slow accumulation of cash to do the fun stuff that’s fun … á la in-house, unrunning monster truck, a wee-bot for theKid when older. 

But … everything is so much more expensive.  Inflation is cutting that dollar back to 75 cents, just spent $80 to fill up the truck, spent ohdunno $850 (yes you read that right) on groceries to restock the house for three people and three dogs, which does not include a meat trip to WholePaycheck (sigh) … 

What’s that movie?  Something’s Gotta Give.  Read a rumor that JackJack has dementia, which is why he hasn’t been seen publicly in years … too bad, so sad, death comes for us all.  And Julian Sands likely fell off a mountain.  Did enjoy him in Boxing Helena, although lotta women/critics hated that movie, methinks me found it morbid and fun … slut comeuppance / Revenge of the Beta.  The ending was priceless, that and Human Centipede (How long did she stay there?  Like that?) mind = warped.  Anyhoo, back to prices—

Not sure how to not be an impulse shopper.  New stuff that might be tasty to theKid and Half won’t shrill about is a challenge, and trying to prepare and list-shop and stick-to is just so very much.  And not to mention buncha stuff ends up in the trash ‘cuz I over-seasoned (salt is a food group, thankyouverymuch, like chocolate) or made it too spicy or inedible or too much meh.

Never claimed to be a cook … job just fell on me ‘cuz Half … well, is Half.

Am I complaining why yes I am … singly lived on sweets, heavily-processed foods and beer.  Iced tea and pork cracklins (no “g”).  Canned cheese (mmm/yum).  Salad?  We doan need no stinkin (no “g”) salad.  Now, gotta buy the right kind of apples or theKid gets sick.  Well, hell.

I am in the active process of digressing.  The price of things is just too darn high, and there’s nothing to be done about it except … stop spending.  Can we not eat? 

So on the one hand ‘bout that first world lifestyle, and on the other … that lifestyle is pricey.

Hard to feed all the monkeys when there are so many, and they tend to multiply. 
Like bonobos [shudder]

Guess a garden is next.  And chickens — with eggs $5/12, could be a good idea.  Maybe a goat.  I’d love a goat.  Who doesn’t love goats?  Probably Half. 

Suggested a ferret once.  The oily, musky poops were too much of a turn-off for Half, started throwing words like leaving and separation and divorce so took that as a firm “no.”

Haven’t discussed goats yet, so there’s always maybe.

But truthfully?  Whatever the price of things, we (the familial “we” … á la three people, multiple dogs) are blessed not to worry, not really, and glory is always to GOD.  {Matthew 6:26}

So we’re good.  Even if a tank of gas hits three places beyond the decimal point, we’re covered.