Queue:  Wailing, Gnashing of Teeth

Perhaps it’s time to simply accept that this is who, what, and how we are.

Americans, in America.

We kill each other.  As opposed to baseball, that’s our real national pastime.

So rather than continue to call for gun reform/control/restrictions, let’s just tally the body count(s) and send thoughts and prayers that the number of dead stays below double digits.

Let’s recap, shall we?  Just in recent memory …

Columbine – 13 (1999)

Parkland – 17 (2018)

Uvalde – 21 (2022)

Sandy Hook – 27 (2012)

Pulse – 49 (2016)

The Strip – 58 (2017)


Wow.  Just.  Wow.

And let’s not forget the forgettable ones … Buffalo – 10 (2022), Fort Hood — 14 (2009), Aurora – 12 (2012), and three separate locations in Texas  / El Paso Walmart – 23 (2019), Luby’s — 23 (1991), and a church — 26 (2017).

In late March and early April, Tennessee got hit twice in less than a month) … death count at 6 and 5, respect(full)ively.  Guess the first responders are getting better at this.  Sadfully.

When 20 babies were blown apart with high-powered military firepower in Sandy Hook, CT and the nation did nothing to stem the bloodtide, I thought, “This is us.”

The value of human life ends at delivery.  So much for the debt we (‘Murricans) owe to the respect of life.

This is us.  {Deuteronomy 32:28}