Never Too Late … Until It Is

Found a lovely young woman on the Tubes of You.  Spent much of her life as a practicing shoplifting lesbian drunkard then GOD told her to get some act right, she listened, and now she’s married with two little girls and preaching the Gospel to all who will listen, and many who don’t want to.

Good on her. 

Jackie Hill Perry is an inspiration, and proof that same-sex attraction doesn’t have to be the death sentence the modern world wants it to be.

Calvin Robinson, a very conservative, very British, almost deacon of the Church of England recently gave a speech that got him canceled in 10 languages and 27 states.  Basically, the Church of England has capitulated to the glittery whims of the Alphabet People, and the Holy Word of GOD no longer applies to official church doctrine.

Well, the Lord did tell us.  Funny how He’s always right.  {2 Tim. 4:4

Time for some spiritual Q-tips.