Birth Day?  Worst Day

Wonder if Methuselah celebrated his 969th birthday.

Probably not.  I’m early on the downslope and already entirely over it.  But then again my birthday has always sucked. A sign, prr’aps? Most years Half doesn’t even remember the day … although if I were to forget Half’s birthday the heavens would fall, water would cease to be wet and the very fabric of reality would tear, such be the volume of shrill.


Adam lived to 930.  His son Seth to 912.  Enoch lived for 365 years then he walked with GOD, never seeing death.

Noah was 600 at the time of the Great Flood, and lived another 350 years following. 

The lifetimes of the womenfolk (Eve, et al) apparently were not worth noting.

Life is the seed, after all, and the womb merely vessel.


It occurs to methinks that the older we get, the less birthdays matter and the more significant age/time becomes, guess ‘cos we’re running out of it, running out the clock.

Interesting(ly) enough, though, after the sons of GOD begat the nephilim – giants in the earth in those days — GOD said mankind would only get about 120 years.  {Genesis 6:3}

And truth be told, the only person in the modern era recorded to have lived that long is attributed one of the saddest statements ever:  “God must have forgotten me.”  Jeanne Calment was over 122 years old when she finally died of … well, I mean, old age, but rumor has it she stayed mentally crisp up until the end, although blind and deaf (kinda like Dog … digress).

Rumor also has it that there are certain folks in Eurasia (where?  Oh, there) that have lived to 140, but there’s no documentation (surprise surprise) just gossip, claims and whispers.

AND and, no one in the Olden First Times is recorded as living beyond 1000 years … see 2 Peter 3:8. 

Where am I going with all this?

theKid just had a birthday.  Still a big deal, ‘coz, you know, theKid.

Anyhoo, one of the (what I refer to as) the Hen Party, exclusive little cabal in theKid’s class/age group, threw a party and did not invite theKid.

Boo-OMgosh-hoo.  Now, I was irritated … not angry, never get angry, but irritated.  Not at the parents but at the Hen Party, and the general overall nastiness of children … “vipers in diapers” (not mine but so wished it t’were)


theKid was cool.  theKid was nonchalant.  theKid said, “Guess I know who a real friend isn’t.” 

How much I love theKid.  No tears, no dejected face.  Just a shrug and a dismissal. 

“Guess I know who a real friend isn’t.”

Know what’s even better?

theKid just got an invite to another party, and that kid and theKid now look out for each other.  For now, anyway.

Kids are kids, after all. 

The lesson?  Out of the mouths of babes.  “And a little child shall lead them.”  {Isaiah 11:6}

Lead on, little one.  Lead on.